Edge pro and Japanese knives?

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The stones will come already perfectly cut for the edge pro i.e. 6" x 1" with varying thickness of course, I prefer to use much thicker stones than the edge pro stock stones so you need an angle measurement (which your phone can do for free for example). MoldShop tools is just one place that sells these kinds of stones, they are absolutely a standard size for industrial mold shaping stones and I am sure this size is widely available in Europe as well. Moldmaster is just one place that sells them Here's another:

The trouble with Boride is they don't mix and match like moldshop tools which will sell you 1 of each grit whereas boride wants to sell you a case of 12. But you should be able to find a place in europe that sells them or if worse comes to worse have them shipped from the US, they don't weigh that much

Before new year I was checking with moldshoptools.com for the shipping costs to Belgium. For 5 stones they quoted me 32 USD which doubles the price of stones :(

Since then I bought some nice choseras and I never took out my Edge Pro again. It is not so hard learning to free hand, especially with all the knowledge on this forum and great instructional videos from Jon, Carter and others. Now after few months of free hand sharpening I am really sorry that I bought EP in the first place. I will just sell it...
That's pretty insane. You can get a 4lb small priority rate flat box shipped to Europe for about $24 and I suspect 20 of these stones would not exceed the 4lb limit

Still I can't believe there isn't a place in Europe that sells these standard 150mm x 25mm stones for use in working with molds!
That's pretty insane. You can get a 4lb small priority rate flat box shipped to Europe for about $24 and I suspect 20 of these stones would not exceed the 4lb limit

This true, but very few commercial/industrial supply company's will ship USPS. They all pretty much have UPS or FedEx accounts and stick to them.

Be well,
This true, but very few commercial/industrial supply company's will ship USPS. They all pretty much have UPS or FedEx accounts and stick to them.

Why? USPS is cheaper and they deal with the "local USPS" (the traditional letter carrier - PostNL here) in most European destination countries. And these often have much better service than Fedex or UPS.
Why? USPS is cheaper and they deal with the "local USPS" (the traditional letter carrier - PostNL here) in most European destination countries. And these often have much better service than Fedex or UPS.

That's until you get a $300 coin stolen during shipping. I've never found USPS to be better just cheaper than Fedex or UPS.
It takes me about 40 minutes to freehand sharpen with 5-6 stones + 2 strops. I'm just curious how long it would take with an Edge Pro.

Why do you use 5-6 stones at all? On double bevel knives I use 2 sometimes 3 but that's only when major work needs to be done on the bevel.
Why do you use 5-6 stones at all? On double bevel knives I use 2 sometimes 3 but that's only when major work needs to be done on the bevel.

Hmmm . . . don't really know. Seems to work ok. I guess it would be a little faster with fewer stones, just spend more time on a couple stones rather than little time on many stones. I guess I should try that. What grits do you use?
I'm currently using naturals mainly but on synthetics I usually just touched up on a 5k and a normal sharpening session would be a 1k followed by 5k. For major repairs add a coarse stone at the bottom. No strop necessary though they can be fun. More time on each stone is more time you can make an error. Not sure of total time but pretty sure it would be less than half of the time you stated and most of that is spent inspecting the knife.

1200 then 5k then strop.

Why do you use 5-6 stones at all? On double bevel knives I use 2 sometimes 3 but that's only when major work needs to be done on the bevel.


Jon's 1k, 6k diamond combo takes 'maybe' 10 minutes, usually much less. Those stones are game changers.

But, say you don't have those stones. Google Rick's videos. You're still way ahead.
Some guys use a tight progression of stones for a mirror like bevel at high grit finish. Maybe something to consider on a special edc, but overkill for kitchen knives imho.
For those of you experienced with Edge Pro, I'm curious how long it takes to sharpen. Lets say a 240mm guyato from 400 grit --> 8,000 grit + stropping?


I use an Edge Pro with the following stones. All Shapton Glass stones:


How long it takes depends on what needs to be done. I've only had my Kasumi 8" (204mm, VG-10 HRC~58-59) for a year. I've only sharpened it once. I didn't like the toothy edge it came with from the factory and I wanted a sharper bevel so I took it through the entire progression from 220 to 8K doing quite a few passes with each stone because I was changing the bevel angle by a lot. I took it down to about 10° on each side. Ended up with a mirror polished edge thanks to the 8K glass stone and the edge held up until now, a year later.

I spent about an hour maybe. Not sure as it was a year ago. Also that was my first time using the Edge Pro so there was a learning curve to overcome. I don't use the knife daily that's one of the reasons it held up so sharp for over a year with no touch ups.

It needs a touch up now though as it's not as sharp as it once was, although it is still sharper than any other knife I have ever used. This was my first Japanese knife. It amazes me how long this edge lasted though at such an acute angle. The heat treat on this blade must be near perfect I suppose? Then again I baby it and never abuse it either. I wonder how well SG2 at 63-64HRC would hold up by comparison. It's not that I need better edge retention as I'm just a home cook but I'd like to see if I can get knife to hold an edge at an even smaller angle for just as long.
It's not that I need better edge retention as I'm just a home cook but I'd like to see if I can get knife to hold an edge at an even smaller angle for just as long.

Oh yeah, you'll fit in just fine. Bring a flashlight, it can get dark in the rabbit hole:D

Be well,