******** Fanatic

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Makes sense. To taper an oval handle is pretty easy. Do you guys think D-handle would work for a cleaver? Not that I have any plans for cleavers, just curios.


If the diameter was increased, and the length shortened, for a cleaver, I think it would work nicely.

Out of curiosity what is it about the Fanatic that you like? I figure it's a small thin stainless knife at a good price for people who want to try a cleaver.


Jay, I don't have a heavier cleaver for comparison, the only cleavers I have used are the CCK 1303 (very similar) and a J. Jones at almost double the weight. I prefer the extra weight behind the Jones cleaver, but not sure I would be able to use something in the 500-600 gram range as I am a reasonably small guy. I like the height of the fanatic only 90mm vs. most at 100-110, the length is perfect. I don't have calipers, but the spine thickness appears to be about 2mm tapering down to more than half that, probably around .9mm. I personally prefer the slight belly of the Fanatic over the relative flatness of the cck as I find both chopping and push cutting easier. The tip is thin
enough to make more delicate work painless.

The CCK in my experience has never been particularly reactive so the stainless v carbon is a non issue for me. Overall it is a good knife
for a reasonable price. The edge last longer than the CCK and the fit and finish is superior by a fair margin making the 149.00, imo, well worth it.
If the diameter was increased, and the length shortened, for a cleaver, I think it would work nicely.



I think a horn ferrule(provided it is rounded where your hand goes) on a cleaver would feel great.

I just think that, despite the fact that it is ugly, cheapo steel, poorly fitted, and ground for production, the CCK 1303 hits the heart of what kept the Chinese Cleaver around for so long--it's a shockingly elegant solution to the "cutting food" question. I will work a day with my CCK1303 over knives worth hundreds of dollars. You have to learn how to use it, but even the metal ferrule thingy is shaped, spaced, and placed in a way that is surprisingly workable and comfortable.
I really liked my CCK for the time that I used it (as in, before I put it somewhere in the house and forgot where exactly). It was a great introduction to good cleavers - it wiped away what I had thought for years about cleavers based on the super-cheapie items I'd seen over and over.

If I remember correctly, that thing was taller than 90mm right?

When I hold a cleaver, I've got my index and middle fingers riding down the outside of the blade and based on a quick "ruler test" here at my desk, I think my middle finger gets down about 75mm from the spine. 15mm more to go to the edge doesn't seem like a helluva lot of distance remaining. That's why I keep thinking 90mm is a tad short, but I suppose one could just use a regular pinch grip without issue :)

I have to admit I'm still curious about the knife, but with a number of nakiri and a few "full-size" cleavers to choose from, I'm not sure where something the size of the Fanatic would fit in.

Might be a good size for those who don't already have either nakiri or full-size cleavers, I dunno...
Don't know. Sounds good. If I can get my hands on a quality blade, I will happily volunteer it to you for experimentation!

Tell you what. If you get a cleaver from Devin (directly), I will be happy to do the handle. Would be a fun project.

Tell you what. If you get a cleaver from Devin (directly), I will be happy to do the handle. Would be a fun project.


That is an offer you can't refuse!!!

Makes me want to get a cleaver from Devin!!!
Tell you what. If you get a cleaver from Devin (directly), I will be happy to do the handle. Would be a fun project.

Really? Book it then!

I started talking to Devin about a cleaver a week or two ago. At the time, I told him the only thing I wasn't sure about was the handle. I consider your handles artwork, and am sure I would be pleased with whatever you came up with.

I would call Devin right now if I didn't think he was preoccupied with the birth of his first grandson today!
I spoke to Devin. He said he will make it, so make arrangements.

Wow! I can't remember the last time I heard such exciting news.

I sent Devin another PM (picking up where we left off on December 10th when we last discussed his making me a cleaver) one minute after you said you would make a handle and told him that I will do whatever I have to do (short of selling an organ) to get one of his blades into your hands.

Edit: I'm not a doctor. There may be certain organs I could do without. I retract my previous statement.
If the new handle cleaver is a success, maybe he will consider offering them as a product (make that type handle himself)? Both his AEB-L and 52100 are great steel choices for cleavers not counting few other steels he has in his arsenal. And those can be san mai stainless clad.

If the new handle cleaver is a success, maybe he will consider offering them as a product (make that type handle himself)? Both his AEB-L and 52100 are great steel choices for cleavers not counting few other steels he has in his arsenal. And those can be san mai stainless clad.

How could a Hoss cleaver with a Marko handle be anything but a success? I had AEB-L in mind when I approached Devin a few weeks ago, but if wants to try something different, that's fine too. What a great day!
Johnny, when it's done, you know you are going to need to post a thousand pictures.
Johnny, when it's done, you know you are going to need to post a thousand pictures.

I promise I'll post some pictures, but hopefully Marko will take a few (I can't do what he can do with a camera) and/or host a WIP thread in his subforum as he works out the handle design.

When I saw the message from Devin confirming that he is in, I went straight away and purchased a supporting member subscription, as this wouldn't be happening without this forum. So in addition to Marko and Devin, thank you Dave (and all those who help him make this place what it is). I should probably purchase a few Super Lotto tickers while I'm at it!
Wow, I didn't think a knife can make a person so happy. I think I am missing something here... :O

I will do my best.

Girlfriend ordered an F-920 for me. Will update when I receive it.
I had a couple 1303's. Always enjoyed them, but ultimately the novelty wore off, and they found their way to the drawer. At my new gig, I found myself doing tasks I remembered the 1303 blowing through with ease...so I got the bug. I looked around, and settled on an 1103. I am quite impressed, to be honest. I sanders it down with some 600 grit to get rid of any laquer, and am still having a hard time getting this thing to patina. Not sure of where the talk of CCK's being overly reactive comes from....

I also looked at the fanatic, but really scratched my head at the machi...I don't get it.

So if I'm impressed with a $70 CCK, will I be blown away by a $375 cleaver? I noticed there isn't much in the middle ground between CCK and Mizuno, as an example. Maybe the Suien....
This is totally my situation with cleavers as well. Suien looks attractive, but has a bit too much belly. Not really willing to dish out nearly 400 bucks for a mizuno or a sugimoto. Still pull out a cck once a week, once a fortnight.
I own a fanatic and I love it. I have the first model, which has a bit more belly which works well for me surprisingly as I generally like a knife with a pretty flat profile. It does has a large bit of board contact with the belly and all, but that slight curve toward the tip helps when drawing the knife back and makes it feel more fluid. I love the height, took a while to get used to, but just a tad taller than my index finger which makes wiping the knife off with my index/thumb pinched over the blade not a pain in the butt. Handle is thin, but the different pinch grips I use seem to work well with it. The steel is awesome, really fun to sharpen and it takes and holds a great edge that is easily refreshed. I have a 270 gyuto and a nakiri as well on the line, and I use them all daily. The clever usually comes out with doing large prep tasks like mincing green onions, dicing veg, etc. It has its place, but it's kind of hard to explain. Never regretted getting it, don't think I'd ever part with it, unless someone gave me that takeda in the b/s/t.
I just read through this entire thread and I'm curious as to whether the Hoss/Marko collabo ever came to completion?
I own a fanatic and I love it. I have the first model, which has a bit more belly which works well for me surprisingly as I generally like a knife with a pretty flat profile.

Agreed. I love the edge that my AEB-L Fanatic holds for the price. A great buy if you dig cleavers.
I owned a cleaver briefly and then sold it to Will Spear (haven't seen or heard from him, where is Will?)

It was a pretty heavy cleaver and with a short stubby handle (round). The handle was just right for it, despite the size. There is something to be said about short handles on a cleaver.


PS: Good call, JC -

I like short stubby handles on cleavers,the handle jambed rt, up against the blade,so easy pinch grip.The chinese know what they are doing.That Fanatic cleaver,the AEB-L steel is good,it has more rocker than the 1303.A skinny little octagon handle set way back because the tang is too thick for it to get close to the blade.It is not Buff. Horn,it's wood that will split if tang is pushed in too far.Result is a cleaver that feels way too blade forward.

What can I say,I'll take my 1301 anyday,that rather ill designed cleaver I gave away:(
If you want to experience AEB-L at it's peak you need to get a custom knife from Devin Thomas - he's the AEB-L KING! That's a great steel but maybe only OK when factory heat treat.
If you want to experience AEB-L at it's peak you need to get a custom knife from Devin Thomas - he's the AEB-L KING! That's a great steel but maybe only OK when factory heat treat.

+1... My ITK is such a pleasure to use.