For the love of cutting: a cut-vid thread for all

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Trying for a better perspective, two knives, cubing half of one carrot.

This is the first time the first knife ever wedged on me in a carrot, I don't even know what to say other than I'm mortified.

EDIT: I completely forgot to tag @nakiriknaifuwaifu - issue resolved.
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I admit… I skipped the peeling part. But the remainder was fab. So great hearing your son cheering for you while you cut. 😍

Omg, I just watched it again. Did I not hire an editor? Have I ever watched a damn cutting video before? That peeling went on for-ever. Total snoozefest. Luckily, I talked to my guy and he trimmed the vid down so it's just the cutting now.
Do you love your knives? Prove it and cut something with them! Skill level is irrelevant: the point here is to celebrate your knives by using them in the way the maker intended. Thanks to @Kippington for the initial idea, @Carl Kotte for the love, and to a few others for more ideas about the framing of it.

I hope you didn't throw away those end bits? You can cut around the core and get a decent amount of usable product from them. I enjoyed that little sweeping horizontal cut you made, makes me think of my enemies.
Trying for a better perspective, two knives, cubing half of one carrot.

This is the first time the first knife ever wedged on me in a carrot, I don't even know what to say other than I'm mortified.

EDIT: I completely forgot to tag @nakiriknaifuwaifu - issue resolved.

I like that little Nakiri, very elegant looking. I bet it feels good in the hand too?
Omg, I just watched it again. Did I not hire an editor? Have I ever watched a damn cutting video before? That peeling went on for-ever. Total snoozefest. Luckily, I talked to my guy and he trimmed the vid down so it's just the cutting now.

I’m thoroughly enjoying this thread, but am finding it hard to avoid the sinking conclusion that we’re fooling ourselves with the desire to find the perfect blade

What we clearly need to invest in/invent/patent is some kind of ultra-efficient onion/allium-skin removal and hoovering tool. Time and motion studies would surely indicate that this would provide far more of a time benefit than yet another knife (esp when the actual chopping bit can be so quick)

I think we’re in danger of hoisting ourselves on some kind of petard with this kind of video business, but am guiltily enjoying nonetheless.

Loose and fast on an onion with a Markin a while back. Yes... I dragged the edge against the board like a muppet, please don't ban me! :) I've stopped doing it as much these days and besides, my knives get stone love very often!

And you did it with the your wrong hand too! Impressive!

I like that little Nakiri, very elegant looking. I bet it feels good in the hand too?

It's a Shig, yeah, it feels pretty darn nice. Perfectly rounded spine and choil, as good a ho wood handle as one is likely to find. It was pretty fat OOTB so I thinned it a lot - like 0.2mm @ 1cm over the edge.
I hope you didn't throw away those end bits? You can cut around the core and get a decent amount of usable product from them. I enjoyed that little sweeping horizontal cut you made, makes me think of my enemies.

You know, my wife always tells me off for not cutting around the stem, since of course you get more white stuff out and less red stuff out that way. But I just hate doing that. She’s all like “you care so much about cutting, how come you can’t take the extra minute to core them properly?” But I like the swooshing feel of straight cuts so much that I don’t care what she says*. And there’s noone in my kitchen worrying about margins and yield, so I do what makes me happy.

*In this particular instance! If you are reading this, I respect you so much and pay attention to everything you say!
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A carrot (premium dry-aged)

Out of curiosity... can you test that thing on cooked / prepared meats (preferably with some decent crust)? My theory is that it's the heavier the better for that usage, and I think you have the perfect knife there to test that theory. :D

I’m thoroughly enjoying this thread, but am finding it hard to avoid the sinking conclusion that we’re fooling ourselves with the desire to find the perfect blade

What we clearly need to invest in/invent/patent is some kind of ultra-efficient onion/allium-skin removal and hoovering tool. Time and motion studies would surely indicate that this would provide far more of a time benefit than yet another knife (esp when the actual chopping bit can be so quick)

I think we’re in danger of hoisting ourselves on some kind of petard with this kind of video business, but am guiltily enjoying nonetheless.
You're not wrong... while I managed to vastly increase the cutting process I haven't made the same kind of progress in the pealing / cleaning up stage. So far my best solution has been to try and outsource those kind of jobs to my girlfriend...
In regards to the strawberries; IMO the best way to do it is to cut them out in a circular motion at an angle; basically removing it in a cone-shape. That way you get out all the green and white without losing any of the red.