Gesshin #6 vs. CCK 1303?

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2017
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Barefoot and in the kitchen
One day, I'll add a thin Chinese slicer to my kit. I tried a Sujimoto 4030, but thought it was too thick. Has anyone compared JKIs Gesshin #6 to the 1303 or the 4030?
I used a 1303 for a while before going to full size #6 cleavers. The 1303 weighs in about 300 grams compared to the 450-500 grams of a full-size Japanese made #6 cleaver, so it’s going to need slightly more input from the user than a #6 cleaver where the point is to pick it up and let it drop through whatever you’re cutting with its own weight. The 1303 is vastly thinner both behind the edge and throughout the grind all the way to the spine so it tends to be less forward balanced and be more nimble/manuverable. The 4030 seems like a nice in between option, slightly smaller than the 1303 but also slightly heavier and closer to a #6 in terms of overall thickness.

I’ve used a Tojiro #6 cleaver and both the Suien VG-10 and virgin carbon. All needed thinning behind the edge for my preferences. They’re in a similar weight class to the Gesshin Ginga #6, but the Gesshin looks a good amount thinner behind the edge OOTB than the cleavers I’ve tried so it might be a good bet for you. Just depends whether you’re looking for a lasery cleaver in the CCK or a workhorse option like a #6.
I too went from a 1303 to larger cleavers. First, a Suien VC (too rounded a profile, and the balance and handle felt weird to me, but nice steel), and then a custom Ashi, 225 x 110, 410 grams, in white #2. The CCK is quite nice. The Ashi has much nicer steel (showed up for me in better edge retention and lower reactivity), and a much nicer handle. I've settled on the Ashi in combination with a heavier ShiBaZi F208-2. Haven't tried a Sugimoto. I was curious about it, but then the ShiBaZi sort of scratched that "smaller and stainless" itch for only $40.

CCK 1.42 grams of total weight per square centimeter of blade, my Ashi 1.66, stock Ashi 1.94, ShiBaZi 1.81., Sugimoto 1.67-1.82 depending on who weighs it!

I haven't used the Gesshin #6, but the Ashi cleaver I have is fantastic. That being said, either one really is a different animal than the CCK 1303.
Just to add an opinion you didn't necessarily ask for... but I'd certainly echo the responses above - don't go 1303. A slightly larger knife (particularly taller) is a better bet, and easier to use. 1302 is barely larger, but it makes a lot of difference.

FWIW - I like caidao with a bit of heft to them, but if you want something super-thin then CCK would be a very good choice.
I Have the cck 1302, which is the bigger brother of the 1303.

quite like it, needed some work on the handle and sealing the bolster, its super thin ( thinner than my HD2) and easy to sharpen..but i find myslef using the SHIBAZI more.

i prefer the extra weight for chopping and crushing garlic&ginger and its a full stainless that easy to maintain with a steel\ceramic rod.

for a pure slicer the CCK is great but as a chef knife replacement I would prefer something more hefty
I Have the cck 1302, which is the bigger brother of the 1303.

quite like it, needed some work on the handle and sealing the bolster, its super thin ( thinner than my HD2) and easy to sharpen..but i find myslef using the SHIBAZI more.

i prefer the extra weight for chopping and crushing garlic&ginger and its a full stainless that easy to maintain with a steel\ceramic rod.

for a pure slicer the CCK is great but as a chef knife replacement I would prefer something more hefty
Which SHIBAZI do you have?
Which SHIBAZI do you have?
I think it’s F208
Edited/deleted to stay on topic. Taking it to the cleaver talk thread since they are not a cleaver already mentioned.
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