Hello from Kamakura, Japan

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Apr 30, 2013
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Hi Everyone! These forums are great, but seriously dangerous!

I'd been living here in Japan for years, oblivious to the wide world of Japanese knives beyond the Global I brought with me... until a few months ago when I decided to find a nice gyuto for a very good friend back in the U.S.. These forums were a huge help and I ended up buying a 270mm Konosuke HD.

And I thought I was done, problem solved. HAH! I used the Konosuke when I delivered it to my friend and now I'm totally hooked. Uh oh. Can't stop thinking about buying a wa gyuto for myself now.

So I figured it was time to register, introduce myself properly, and get some advice on a new knife. Hopefully I can limit myself to one, for now anyway!
Welcome! You live in a dangerous country for a knife knut!
The only thing I have going for me is I can't see the knives in front if me. They are much harder to resist is the flesh. Good luck. And welcome
Thanks! And you're right. I'm not far from Tokyo (and Tsukiji) and visited the Kappabashi restaurant district when I was looking for the gyuto for my friend.

I sort of wish I lived closer to Sakai, so I could visit makers like Konosuke easily... but then again, maybe not! Too tempting!
Welcome;) prepare your wallet for big expenses;)
Thanks! And you're right. I'm not far from Tokyo (and Tsukiji) and visited the Kappabashi restaurant district when I was looking for the gyuto for my friend.

I sort of wish I lived closer to Sakai, so I could visit makers like Konosuke easily... but then again, maybe not! Too tempting!

I think the best way to control a temptation is to succumb to it. BTW. Welcome