Help - who sharpens this way?

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from The Netherlands, EU.
KKF Supporting Member
May 3, 2011
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Some time ago I watched a video with someone who kept the knife in the prolongation of his arm, making very short lateral movements, less than 1/4", going along the blade by moving the wrist but staying stationary on the stone. Any idea who uses this technique?
What have you been smokin man? :laugh:

Haha, I can't even picture what you are trying to describe...hope someone finds a vid, cause I have to see this.
So you're saying somebody sharpens by putting the knife to the stone with one hand and making small wrist motions to rub the blade to the stone? :scratchhead:
If English isn't his first language that may be a problem. By stationary I think he means the knife moves slightly side to side on the same place on the stone.

Prolongation has me stumped though.
Arms straight? Kinda the zombie method of knife sharpening?
I remember seeing a video somewhere of a guy sharpening by holding the knife steady and rotating his body--torso action left and right. Any chance this is the same movement?
what the hell is going on in here?

Apparently someone thinks they remember an individual, somewhere, trying to sharpen a knife with the same body motion used to simultaneously play the tambourine and make expresso...

The results of said technique remain inconclusive?

If this video is indeed tracked down and embedded here, the first 15 viewers shall develop carpal tunnel via visual osmosis.
I remember seeing a video somewhere of a guy sharpening by holding the knife steady and rotating his body--torso action left and right. Any chance this is the same movement?

Actually, I think it's not so funny just difficult to understand ;) I also think maybe this video is the one what Benuser was trying to describe - rotating body. I have also seen this.
someone draw some mspaint stickmen diagrams to explain.
I remember seeing a video somewhere of a guy sharpening by holding the knife steady and rotating his body--torso action left and right. Any chance this is the same movement?

No, no torso movement involved, only an arm movement from the shoulder.
Does it resemble what this guy is doing at 7.23s?

Wow. That guy is really bad... :O

it were if his movement wasn't circular.
Straight movements along the length of the edge kinda like a one-sided pull-through sharpener? I've seen a video of someone doing that. It seemed to work well. I haven't tried it though.
Wow. That guy is really bad... :O

Straight movements along the length of the edge kinda like a one-sided pull-through sharpener? I've seen a video of someone doing that. It seemed to work well. I haven't tried it though.
no, perpendicular to the edge. Along the edge would create a wire edge, I guess.
no, perpendicular to the edge. Along the edge would create a wire edge, I guess.
If I'm understanding correctly, then I do make short strokes (not necessarily perpendicular) to wear down high spots on my stone.
Does this pic make some sense?


Which way is it? 1 or 2?

It's not a kitchen knife, but here is another example of short strokes:

