I get to have a little break!!

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Senior Member
Mar 1, 2011
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Well me, the missus, and the little ones, get to take a vacation!! Whooo!

I have been a wee bit isolated in the last little bit, so not much for emails or thread comments. Ain't no internet in some parts out here!!

So here are a few pics from Canada's far east, Newfoundland. (It isn't all like this!)

The little island where we stayed for a bit.

Heading out to open ocean... Some pics along the way.

The catch, and clean up.
Looks like a great vacation! Nothing can compare to dining on fresh fish you just caught yourself. I think I might have to wander next door, through the woods, to the neighbor's pond and do a little cat-fishing tonight. Now where's my lantern?
Now is that an all inclusive resort? Seriously though, hope you and the family and a great time!
lol!! No, the only thing included is what you bring out! This was a nice get away. A chance to relax, really you have no choice, there is nothing to do except what you can do by hand. No electricity, no cell service, cook on wood heat. Eat what you can catch or gather ( besides what you bring) mussels, crab, cod in the picture. Late night bonfires and a bit of reminiscing with friends.
Looks like a great time. Glad you could enjoy some family time and get some fishing in.
Looks great. Is that you squatting in one of the photos?
Lol, I bet those are his pink sandals too.
Yes to me squatting, and I could never get into sandals that small!

For scale, the black tub is 36" long, and the dock planks are rough sawn 2"x6"
How did I miss this??
Great pics, Pierre!
Looks like a great time Pierre, eastern Canada is the best, especially in the summer.
great photos.... so beautiful! Thank you for sharing! I wish I can get a nice vacation someday!