Insight on these aotos?

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Jun 23, 2016
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Been looking for an aoto under $250 (yes, I know it's hard) and found these. Anyone have any insight on how these aotos from Bernal might perform, there's no mine mentioned? Seem a decent price, but I haven't seen a gray/white aoto before, and the blue seems to have a band of a lighter blue through it and an interesting looking gritty texture. Please give me a chance to grab one if the reviews are positive - been looking for a while. Thanks!
The color seems different than most Aotos and they don't mention any mine or any details about the Aoto.
The one on the right is similar in color (a light blue-gray) and what looks like speckled-ness to one I have purchased from MM a while back... which does not differ too much in uniformity and relative fineness to another aoto I've acquired that ultimately came from one of the supporting vendors here. Pretty good price for the size, being wider than like 60mm is nice

I believe that on the aoto they put up on their insta, there is a comment about the finish being still a bit scratchier than is desirable for kasumi. I would conclude the same from the 2 aoto I have vs other stones that can leave a smoother finish on the cladding
Thanks, foody. How would you say the light blue-gray aoto you have finishes? Any decent kasumi, or scratchy? I'm leaning towards the blueish one if I were to go with one. Thanks. here it is as it arrived from MM. I imagine taken near a window with natural lighting the color would appear lighter as I perceive are the conditions in the Bernal photos
The relative finish. Facets/streaking on the right face of the blade are from wavy cladding+poor tech+ narrow stone (~60mm width). If I had a higher res camera the cladding scratches would be more evident, so this photo is kind of forgiving XD. The stone and mud dries out fast for my liking and getting that consistency right to skate on the mud and not hit the stone and scratch worse is a balancing act. I guess a better way to express what the concern is it that my stone is scratchy. You have to work up a good slurry that polishes and refines the scratches, and all the while the stone and mud are drying out so it's easier abrade on a dry spot again and ruin your hard work in trying to get a consistent finish.
This is the other aoto and what happens when you work on a too-dry stone

Finish off of something like a Rika 5k is both nicer looking and easier to get
Rika finish here it is as it arrived from MM. I imagine taken near a window with natural lighting the color would appear lighter as I perceive are the conditions in the Bernal photos
The relative finish. Facets/streaking on the right face of the blade are from wavy cladding+poor tech+ narrow stone (~60mm width). If I had a higher res camera the cladding scratches would be more evident, so this photo is kind of forgiving XD. The stone and mud dries out fast for my liking and getting that consistency right to skate on the mud and not hit the stone and scratch worse is a balancing act. I guess a better way to express what the concern is it that my stone is scratchy. You have to work up a good slurry that polishes and refines the scratches, and all the while the stone and mud are drying out so it's easier abrade on a dry spot again and ruin your hard work in trying to get a consistent finish.
This is the other aoto and what happens when you work on a too-dry stone

Finish off of something like a Rika 5k is both nicer looking and easier to get
Rika finish

Awesome, thanks for the pics and details, foody - appreciate it. Unless anyone has any other input, they seem a bit coarse and too finicky for me if they're at all like your aotos. Thanks.
Here are some more I found. I'm most interested in:

#3 Aoto in Tanba, Kyoto; Size: 56 x 63 x 204mm. Weight: 1,800g. Medium fine stone, Hardness: 4/10 a little bit soft, HS32. It costs $231

and #8 Aoto in Kouzaki, Kyoto; Size: 25 x 64 x 170mm. Weight: 900g (including wooden base). Medium fine stone, Hardness: 4/10 a little bit soft, HS33. It costs $386.

Pictures are in sequential order:

Is the Kouzaki worth the price, also considering it's somewhat small? The Tanba looks decent and is better priced.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
I guess a question I should ask is - how long do aotos typically last? Of course depends on usage, but how long would you estimate the Kouzaki would last if it's only 25mm tall now if used daily with a few knives? Thanks.
Is this gonna be one of your first natural stones? I would hesitate to get something that's like $386 right off the bat. I think my aoto was like 80 bucks from MM.

Are you wide bevel polishing very frequently? If not, not as much need for muddy softer natural stones IMO
Is this gonna be one of your first natural stones? I would hesitate to get something that's like $386 right off the bat. I think my aoto was like 80 bucks from MM.

Are you wide bevel polishing very frequently? If not, not as much need for muddy softer natural stones IMO

Not my first jnat - just my first aoto. I know they're in short supply with some hitting the market that are not of the best quality, so I'm going to the best resource I have - you guys (and gals).
If you can get some communications on the one(s) you're looking at not being super thirsty, makes a good mud that doesn't dry out quickly, and is a bit wider than like 60mm, those are things I'd look for based on my experience

Also, are you going to be using it for wide beveled polishing, or just as like a final toothy edge for some knives? My comments and concerns are primarily with respect to wide beveled polishing (you mentioned somewhere above multiple knives a day potentially being used on this stone so I wasn't sure which usage you meant)
Don't overthink it. Every natural stone is a crapshoot. Bernal is a trustworthy seller. Ask them if it's scratchy on soft cladding and what their return policy is. You could end up with a hell of a stone for $200. I also never really joined the dots with the Khao men as an aoto substitute but it made sense after somebody said it. I wouldn't drop $370 on an aoto
The kaho men Is a really great stone. I don't own an aoto yet but the kaho men leaves a great hazy finish not perfect but really nice for its price.