Is 13 really my lucky number?

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Good luck ,and when you get the job would love some food porn pictures.
Most probably you'll get hired, they're just trying to figure out where to put you.
Good stuff Colin, good luck getting the job. I love that Del damascus, I have a del kunz spoon that's great. But, I have that 'shovel' spoon in the stock version, would love to get a dammy one like that, it's a super duck spoon. Always keeping it classy Colin, nice to see, that's a good kitchen, you be a good influence now to all those Shun users. :doublethumbsup:
Got a call and email from the HR department I have a 2nd trail?? It's cool but a little odd no? 2 interviews then two trails? They haven't asked me anything regarding salary or asked for references does that sound odd? Also HR wants my to sign a consent form for a background and credit check, is this what it's like now in the City, it's been 15 years since I've cooked in Manhattan.
Its all just cheaper and easier to be that thorough. Sign of the times, not forbearance of malapropism.
To play devils advocate. Any employer who asked for my Facebook access, "a site i do not use." Should be warned that demanding information that will reveal age, sexual orientation, political affiliation... opens them to more liability than it prevents.
You won't find me on face book, those sights ruin peoples lives. But if you google my name one would likely find this place. But again judging by the knives I saw in his kitchen no one in his kitchen visits this site, wish they did. Credit and back ground check I'm ok with, hell I'm just excited to spend another day there.
Wish you good luck! For me, it's a clear sign of serious interest when you're invited for the 2nd... and a great opportunity to learn!

BTW, make sure you receive your personal contribution for any knife sold to future colleagues made by one of the forum's knifemakers... ;-)
I just had to get background check info from a sous chef prospect that has not been offered anything. And he has been with my restaurant for over three years.

What are you going to bring this time?
I just had to get background check info from a sous chef prospect that has not been offered anything. And he has been with my restaurant for over three years.

What are you going to bring this time?
Good question, I hadn't thought about that yet. Two things I didn't bring last time that would have come in handy are an offset spatula and serrated bread knife. I always have these items of course in my normal work kit. however I didn't bring that kit last time because I didn't know I was trailing. So I think I might just bring my whole knife kit, the " travel kit". I think this approach will be the most impressive since it demonstrates I have a full and appropriate set of tools, and it's a unique design.
Note the nail brush, it has always made a good impression in previous interviews. Just a tip for anyone interviewing, wash your hands 1st, let them see you do it, nail brush demonstrates your hygiene and attention to detail.


Just got the call five minutes ago I'm so stoked 10:30 tomorrow morning they want to sit down and discuss salaries.
Yea Colin. If I remember correctly, a couple of years ago times were tough, looks like life is improving. its all the good karma you've spread that and Dave's #13.

please keep us posted
Excellent news, glad this is coming around for you. Good luck with the negotiations ;)

Awesome, Colin! Congratulations on being awesome. :D
I cannot wait to go back to New York City! Congrats, and good luck!
Awesome! You deserve it!!! Eric