kidney stones and cooks.

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I know I'm going to have one or 2 or 3 of these in my life and I'm not looking forward to pebbles or boulders coming out of my peepee hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

i just passed the 2.3mm stone on my left side a couple hours ago. felt it the whole time inching it's way out. when it was nearing the bladder, that was the point when i was already asking for demorol for pain relief. that was not fun. writhing and shouting in pain.

still got a long battle with the one on my right side. that one's much bigger. 4mm size. that one, i'll have to undergo extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. already did that 5 years ago, and soon again. felt like paying someone a lot of money to get your ass kicked. since i don't have healthcare, i pay for everything. which is not fun either.
I hate having gout. It is more confusing than anything else I have ever encountered. When looking up information you get the standby line of talk with your doctor. It's a kidney problem that is also a part of arthritis.

I'm not a physician, but have been trained in this disease state more than any average M.D. has throughout medical school. There are a few tricky things to deal with when diagnosing and treating but it can be a fairly easy fix. Post any questions or PM me. There are roughly 100 types of arthritis, and gout, the most common inflammatory form in men over the age of 40, is the only one that can be "cured" so to speak.
It's tough to stay hydrated on the line during service. Depending on what station you're working, you either sweat it all out, or you have to hold it through service-which can be seriously painful!-Or Both!
I know I'm going to have one or 2 or 3 of these in my life and I'm not looking forward to pebbles or boulders coming out of my peepee hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Why not do what the boys in the military do and wear man diapers and just piss yourself away on the line. **Kitchen tour anyone? :eek2:
Why not do what the boys in the military do and wear man diapers and just piss yourself away on the line. **Kitchen tour anyone?

already reconsidering my current profession change lol.
oh crap. and here i just found out last night that pain from kidney stones is much worse than being in labor. sorry to hear that.
odd getting the kind of pain relief or "high" you get from morphine. i'd rather get something more plant based if you know what i mean. =D

mine's .4cm x .25cm on my right. it's still there. i hope to god that one does try to pass through my urinary tract.
Man I am so glad that I have not ever had stones before.

Get well soon!

on a related note. When I was in Cali I saw a woman selling jewelry made from kidney stones
Man I am so glad that I have not ever had stones before.

Get well soon!

on a related note. When I was in Cali I saw a woman selling jewelry made from kidney stones

This made me laugh.... again.
I'm late to the party but ive had the once so far when I was 20. Most pain I've ever experienced.
I was wondering how she has been doing. Wish I could have helped.

On the other hand I have always assumed my odd pains was a stone.
I suffered two kidney stones while working in a hotel kitchen. The stones were killer but the dose of Demerol I got in the emergency was worth the trip ;)
a little update on kidney stones and maybe a couple of other things.

i've been recently juicing parsley, celery and a few other things for a few weeks that i've read about that says it helps with a host of things along with my kidneys and apparently my prostate which is enlarged according to a C.T. scan. been doing it for 3 weeks. wasn't able to source organic fruits and vegetables as much as i could but i am doing what i can with what i've got. and so far it's been helping quite a bit. at least i think so. my skin is clearer, i have more energy, i am thinking clearer, i am feeling better.

after about a week and a half of doing this and i felt something pass through my urethra like a stone. maybe it was just a piece of the stone or maybe i had managed to shrink the stone enough that i could pass it effortlessly. as you guys well know there were two stones that were found in my previous ct scan one on each side. i knew i passed the stone on my left side since the pain went away and i felt it pass after being in the hospital for 36 hours. and i knew the stone on my right was still there because i could still feel it. so anyway.... what i'm saying is that, this juicing thing might just help us in more ways than one. so you guys maybe should consider it.

i am going to continue this juicing thing and will try to source more organic fruits and veg for me to juice.

if you guys are interested in what i have been juicing, lemme know and i'll post the stuff i've been juicing and what other stuff i've been drinking aside from the juicing that may have helped along the way.

I passed a couple stones five or six years ago. HURT LIKE HELL! Demerol is the greatest! They make a cranberry pill you can find in the vitamin section of the pharmacy. Two to four pills a few times a week and drinking plenty of water. Best prevention plan for stones according to my doctor. A lot of the back pain I had turned out to be my kidneys. The cranberry pills really helped.
i buy dried cranberries by the buttload. =D

been eating them nonstop, everyday for 2 years. it's helped my UTI but hasn't really helped me with my stones. anything helps though. =D
I've switched from coffee to tea for the past week and it seems to have helped the pain I get from the stones that are still there. Also found a cranberry tea.

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