King Stone Combi

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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So my sharpening gear has mysteriously been taken, so while being up s**t creek I've had to run and buy a King 1/6K stone. For me, I don't see any comparison between this thing and my last stones. Is there any trick to unlocking the potentially of these commonly recommended stones? Extra time with nagura and super light touch w/ lots of time only?
Are you in the Hyde Park (Tampa?) part of your location? May be able to offer short term alternative.
I use king cause theycan be locally sourced. 1000 wears quick I think so a lot of flattening. The 6k lasts longer for me cause its a quick finishing for me but for some reason the smell is weird. I also have messer sister 2k that I think cuts quicker and is also locally sourced. Yes I like to look at my purchases.... Damn iPad spell....
Ok and. Have to say I have a chefs catalog and woodcraft in town less within 1/2 mile between
Thanks y'all, and afraid its Hyde Park, New York. I appreciate the offer for a short term solution!
I like the smell of the King 6K! But then again....

Just came back to using mine after a long time. I always liked that stone, even with the high wear rate.

I'm afraid to say I too like the smell. Kinda earthy.