Looking for a sharpening starter kit

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Nov 13, 2015
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Hi guys i'm new around here so please be patient :lol2:

My knives kit here below(that't not all but it't my mainly knives )

Shun classic 10" chef knife
Shun serrated bread knife DM0724

In fact want to start to sharp those knife and im looking for a good stones starter kit, the issue is that i have a western knives - ARCOS (Spanish knives) and also a eastern knives - shun , global (Japanese knives )
It could be a problem to use the same set to both of the types ?

I would like to buy the stones from the web , but also a names or models will good enough.

Thanks Ben
Im planing to spend between 100-150$ for this kit , actually i would pay more if it worth it , i want the best value for money kit that i can get in this amount .

I'm located in Europe , i can buy from ebay or amazon .. or any other recommended store.
Several of the vendors on the site (and others as well) sell a "beginner's kit" that consists of a stone holder, a Bester 1200 stone, a Suehiro Rika 5000 stone, and usually some felt and/or a magnifier. Typically in the range of what you want to spend.

Hands down this is the best "bang for the buck" you are going to get, they really are excellent stone and are very inexpensive for what they do. You can spend less, but the stones are not as good, and you can spend more (actually, quite a bit more!) and not get any better results as a beginner.

I have those stones (along with a dozen or so others) and the one I use the most is the Bester 1200. Wears very slowly but is fairly easy to flatten -- I use a stone flattener, but a piece of drywall sanding screen on something flat works perfectly for this job -- and has worked very well with any steel I've sharpened, including A2 plane blades.

You can substitute a King 6000 for the Suehiro, but I don't think there is any significant difference in the price and I like the Suehiro better -- much better, in fact, for knives.

You won't be sorry if you start with this set.

Several of the vendors on the site (and others as well) sell a "beginner's kit" that consists of a stone holder, a Bester 1200 stone, a Suehiro Rika 5000 stone, and usually some felt and/or a magnifier. Typically in the range of what you want to spend.

Hands down this is the best "bang for the buck" you are going to get, they really are excellent stone and are very inexpensive for what they do. You can spend less, but the stones are not as good, and you can spend more (actually, quite a bit more!) and not get any better results as a beginner.

I have those stones (along with a dozen or so others) and the one I use the most is the Bester 1200. Wears very slowly but is fairly easy to flatten -- I use a stone flattener, but a piece of drywall sanding screen on something flat works perfectly for this job -- and has worked very well with any steel I've sharpened, including A2 plane blades.

You can substitute a King 6000 for the Suehiro, but I don't think there is any significant difference in the price and I like the Suehiro better -- much better, in fact, for knives.

You won't be sorry if you start with this set.


Hi , thanks for your kind reply .... i think that i will buy this kit , someone could send a link to a recommended web store ?
By the way this kit will do the job with my knives ? eastern and western both ?
It will work fine for both types. If your western knives are well dulled, you should consider getting a Beston 500 stone as well, it can take a long, long time to restore an edge on a blunt knife with just a 1200 stone.

Hi guys thanks for your answers but im still a bit confused ... so far i saw only those who fits to my needs:



and i have some questions about that please :
1. should i buy anything else to accomplish this set ? flattening stone? stone holder ? its necessary or such a gadget?

2.Is that store are recommended ? those prices are good enough ?

3. Buy those items as a KIT together would be much cheaper ? better ? if it is, someone could share with me a link to this set ?

Thank you all guys , you are great ! its so nice to see a good knives forum like this one
but its a little but more than i expected to spend ... its really worth to spend some more ? what about the RIKA ans the Bester 1200 ?

I was planing to spend around 150$ at least at the beginning .. but if it worth it i would increase my amount, by the way any other accessories are necessity ?
Skip anything that adds a felt and magnifier, you'll need something to keep them flat. If you only want to purchase once, then start with a diamond plate (you can use drywall screen for a cheap alternative).

I would second (maybe third?) the recommendation for the set from JKI for the high end. If you just want to start cheap, get a King 1k/6k...works fine to start and when you wear through it you can go with something nicer.

Another option: Shapton pro: 1000&5000

They are cheap, splash and go, sharpen any steel well, fast, and long lasting. You could forgo the 5000 if you had to, as the 1000 is adequate for a sharp knife, but takes time to fully remove burr/wire edge. At some point you will need a coarser stone to thin/ set bevels and way to flatten stones. I use a dmt, many prefer the atoma.

There are so many good options. This is but one, IMO.
in fact im looking for a set to the long run.. i would prefer to buy once instead of many times...

The RIKA and the Bester 1200 and another coarse stone as suggested - 500/400 will be good enough ?

i can buy the set from the JKI for the long run but i actually dont know what about the shipping price in addition to the already higher price than i wanted to spend...
You can't go wrong with Bester 1200 and Rika, but if you have some extra money to spend, I like JNS stones better.
Actually i guess i will take the rika 5k and the bester 1200 or the set from JKI , someone knows something about their shipping prices?
I like the B1200 and Rika 5K pair and can recommend Sam/Buttermilk without reservation. For me these work esp well on stainless knives and provide a mirror finish.

I prefer the Gesshin stones, most notably the G2K. It's easily the best mid range I've used.

For a course stone the JNS 300 is my favorite followed closely by the G400. Not a fan of the Bestor 500.

Accessories are nice to have but not got to have. I use a Suehiro stone holder and would not be without it. And a homemade sink bridge. There are a couple threads on here that show sharpening setups. You may want to peruse these for ideas.
Actually i guess i will take the rika 5k and the bester 1200 or the set from JKI , someone knows something about their shipping prices?

Jon at JKI, PM or email and he also uses Skype. Sam at Buttermilk, PM or email. Their contact info is within their subforums.
in fact im looking for a set to the long run.. i would prefer to buy once instead of many times...

The RIKA and the Bester 1200 and another coarse stone as suggested - 500/400 will be good enough ?

i can buy the set from the JKI for the long run but i actually dont know what about the shipping price in addition to the already higher price than i wanted to spend...

I'd add a Benson 500 and call it good for stones. Then get a holder that fits your budget, and later on maybe an atoma for flattening.
I really like the shapton pro 320 1000 5000 combo. Ive used them for cheap chicago cutlery knives, german knives, and japanese knives. They have worked great for all types of knives and can be found for a good price on amazon.
A great budget setup would include.

JKI Diamond Plate
Beston 500
Bester 1200
Rika 5K
Bester 1200
Rika 5K
Atoma 140

The Atoma can take the place of coarse stone. Careful how you use it don't need much pressure when thinning edges on knives let diamonds do the work. I lift the knife off the plate after each stroke. It is also good for tip repair & bevel, level your stones.