Looking for new daily driver/beater

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Feb 2, 2016
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I’m looking to replace my beater knife, the knife I bring to work, gets used for prep all day. the one I don’t care if my coworkers use. If they drop it, I’ll be mad but I won’t have to murder them. This knife for me currently is a masahiro VC 240 and although it’s nice enough I’m tired of having a flat ground knife, it just has too much “friction” I guess.
I’ll add that I already have, and have had more expensive knives, Toyama, watanabe, mazaki, etc etc. So I suppose a good value mid-level knife.
Convex ground
49-52 heel
Middleweight, can take a beating. (No lasers)
Stainless OR at least not very reactive

Here’s this:
What type of knife are you interested in (e.g., chef’s knife, slicer, boning knife, utility knife, bread knife, paring knife, cleaver)?

Are you right or left handed?

Are you interested in a Western handle (e.g., classic Wusthof handle) or Japanese handle?
Don’t care

What length of knife (blade) are you interested in (in inches or millimeters)?

Do you require a stainless knife? (Yes or no)

What is your absolute maximum budget for your knife?

Do you primarily intend to use this knife at home or a professional environment?

What are the main tasks you primarily intend to use the knife for (e.g., slicing vegetables, chopping vegetables, mincing vegetables, slicing meats, cutting down poultry, breaking poultry bones, filleting fish, trimming meats, etc.)? (Please identify as many tasks as you would like.)

What knife, if any, are you replacing?
Masahiro VC 240

What improvements do you want from your current knife? If you are not replacing a knife, please identify as many characteristics identified below in parentheses that you would like this knife to have.)
Food release

Better aesthetics (e.g., a certain type of finish; layered/Damascus or other pattern of steel; different handle color/pattern/shape/wood; better scratch resistance; better stain resistance)?
-don’t care

Comfort (e.g., lighter/heavier knife; better handle material; better handle shape; rounded spine/choil of the knife; improved balance)?
-doesn’t matter I can fix all this

Ease of Use (e.g., ability to use the knife right out of the box; smoother rock chopping, push cutting, or slicing motion; less wedging; better food release; less reactivity with food; easier to sharpen)?
-food release

Edge Retention (i.e., length of time you want the edge to last without sharpening)?
-Longer the better but doesn’t matter

lately i have in my rotation masahiro vc, masamoto ct/ks, sakai takayuki blue and few others.
personally i love masahiro more then most of my knives.
but i think that the takayuki blue will be great for your needs. the knife a little narrower but i found it great performer.
Kaeru has been my go-to, I'm really pleased with it especially at its price point
Pretty thin but super tough, not as good food release as true wide bevels but way better than my lasers, good taper but not too whippy/fragile at the tip. Profile is just about perfect for me, narrows out to a nice pointy tip for portioning and slicing, enough belly to walk out herbs or garlic. It's displaced plenty nicer knives not just because it's a "beater" but because it really performs. I thinned mine a touch and refinished a la Sleep's in the Kaeru thread on Maxim's subforum. Seems less draggy than the blasted bevel finish and way more attractive. About 45 mins work including easing the spine and choil.
Stainless clad aogami from Tadafusa/jck blue moon/numerous other rebrands is worth a look, too. Beefier knife, esp at the tip but still a good cutter, tough with good edge retention and food release.
Seems like the Tanaka Ginsan would fit your requirements. If I were a pro and had to sharpen daily, I'd only want Ginsan 3 steel. It doesn't chip easily and you can really feel what you are doing on the stones.
kaeru looks pretty good...

Anyone experience the Tanaka ginsan? How does the grind differ to the KU blue2? I didn’t think the tip was thin enough on the Tanaka blue 2.
kaeru looks pretty good...

Anyone experience the Tanaka ginsan? How does the grind differ to the KU blue2? I didn’t think the tip was thin enough on the Tanaka blue 2.
Quite a few miles on Tanaka G. Great "beater" depending on 2day's definition. Bulletproof, will dice tomatoes all day long, couple strokes will refresh edge if/when needed. Yes the tip could be thinner.
definitely kaeru, nothing else better under 200
i'm really hoping he releases an skd version.

Wakui? Helluva knife for $179 (240)


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+1 on Kaeru. I also refinished mine and thinned. It’s like a wolf in sheeps clothing once you thin and refinish.
Tanaka Ginsan thinner grind than the Tanaka KU B#2. Ginsan is a nice all day cutter for a stainless blade, I would not let co workers use it not really a beater knife.
Oh yeah the kaeru, hows the grind on that?
Tha Takayuki looks like another flat ground western to me, am I wrong?
so i took it to work today. the knife grind is 90/10 or so . pretty good release.
takes keener edge and better edge retention. overall feeling and performance was better for me .
i didnt saw any reviews about the knife but i really enjoy using it.
(better in my opinion from the most of the knives sub 200$ that i handled)

just disclaimer its a knife that i scored so i didnt pay'd the retail price. so mybe if i was in your shoes i would got a differnt knife.
the kaeru looks like a bargain.
Kaeru... you get more than you pay for, especially in terms of distal taper.
You were asking about convex, so I took a straight edge to mine. (It's a 210 not a 240 though.)
The upper 2/3 of the blade face is dead-flat (of course decreasing as the knife shortens towards the tip). The grind starts in 15-20mm from the edge (depending on closeness to tip). Convex is very mild, and close to the edge. Slight righty asymetry. In other words, imagine a zero-grind, then just gently convex that last 15-20mm.
If you're looking for full convex along a lot of the blade face, then kaeru doesn't check this box. It makes up for this by being a relatively short knife and also having a pretty distinct spine slope--which means much less metal in the profile and so less stiction. It also means it's lighter than it looks.
Tanaka B2 damascus can take a beating. I use a 210 for carving whole pig on the buffet. Plenty of bone contact and never had any damage. Just a pity it's impossible to get a Tanaka with a decent handle. They're either super-low grade ho wood (MM) or ebony (K&S). Both are pretty bad.

I actually prefer the 210 Tanaka to the 210 Kaeru.

The 240mm Kaeru is quite different. It's a brilliant work knife. You would not be disappointed.
K &S handle is no good? Even those pretty ones with the brass? That’s too bad, o was probably going for the lite version anyways though since I’d be making my own
Haven't tried the newest one but I have the first version ginsan nashiji with brass and bubinga(?) And I have a few Tanaka with ebony/horn handles. They all look pretty but aren't that great to use. I really wish we could get them with nice ho/horn handles.
I made a jump on the Tanaka ginsan lite. Not because all of you made didn’t make good case for the kaeru, but mainly because of the price jump on the Tanaka line. I haven’t tried gin3 and it’s high time. I’m sure I’ll snag a kaeru here soon too. Keep me in mind those of you who have 240’s! Thanks for all the help folks.
You have a Watanabe really like the grinds his carbon knives. Makes since to pick up a Tanaka G3 lite before price goes up. Ordered a couple 240mm of those to get free shipping from K&S. Sold one & kept one. For a stainless knife it is pretty good. Easy to touch up edge with a small splash & go stone. The slightly sweep back heel Tanaka is forging now is kind of cool:cool: