Maksim - A request :)

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Jul 12, 2011
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Heyas:)I was sniffing around random forums and found some JNAT p0rn. Some of these stones just look so nice. Can you tell us more about these and maybe post more pics?:)
This color is awesome

this skin is just amazin

Would you mind telling us/showing us some of your private/personal collection stones. Maybe some story behind them.Cheers-D
OK :)
Here are some of my Rare stones:

Ozuku Karasu as in picture above
Super hard stone the hardest i have ! I only use it for western razors razors, it is so hard , i ones tryde to make microbevel on Yanagi with it and it chipped the edge very badly, like 2-3 mm chips :scared4:


Nartuaki Karasu Momiji Suita
Hehe very long name but true, that stone have almost all appearances in it, in the middle layer of the stone there are 20mm very dark layer of Karasu so with time it will be very hard stone, but now it is very good stone for knives. Also line is not toxic or can not be field.


Of coars my Aizu:
These stones are instinct, can not find them anymore :( Very hard Aoto like stones, super fast also on some very hard steels.


Ozuku set, Very old Ozukus one medium one is hard, they come from behind Ozuku from Another opening then reguler used in Ozuku stones


Old Takashima Kiita, you cant get them anymore in that sizes or that uniform it is 300 mm x 90mm stone
It is quite hard for Takashima and have very nice black Nashiji, no lines or any inclusions at all and layer very very uniform


My Hakka that i recived like that


Then i glued it up and still use it, works very good !! :D


Ozuku Karasu
Got is as gift in Japan, very hard and fine stone


Tenjyou Ozuku Sunashi
Very shallow layer stone but still super hard and fine, very unique and rare. I had to press 2 month to they will sell it to me haha ..
My stone dealer have only seen 2 of those ever


Nakayama Maruka Kiita Kan
In Old Maruka box have very nice Kan on sides very nice stone for knives


More will come later :)
Aizu actually interested me, especially after reading the story of it's prudction but, like you siad, it's extinct and likely can't be found.

The color on that Okuky Karasu is just awesome
Smal Nakayama Maruka Asagi i use it as Nagura for razors :)
Super expensive slurry stone haha


Very hard Unknown Asagi with Goma, my razor hone, probably Nakayama


Nakayama Kiita, my tool stone use it for chisels and small woodworking knives


Will continue, have to dig up all old pictures
Pure white Asano Tenjyou Nagura very nice stone for prepolishing for knives or for razors.


Nakayama Maruka very smooth stone final finisher for my Yanagis

Maxim could you possibly provide a link that describes what all the word mean and the grades and such?

I know I've seen something on your website before just can't seem to locate it!
I have come back to look at these a few times. Thank you for posting this. Very nice!
Ohira Range Suita, my working stone, very fast quite hard, i use it on most of my knives i can go from 1 k to that stone without a problem :)


Big Atagoyama, use it on kasumi knives to get that Shigefusa finish super smooth stone and very easy to use

Yes all is not toxic :) I sold all the cleanest Ohira suitas and kipped one with most lines hehe... i dont care much about them as long they dont scratch my finish or chip the blade :D
Wakasa kiita with unusual orange line, i thought it looked so cool so i keept it for my Razors :D
Super nice stone for Kamisoris and softer steel razors.


My own super smooth Blue Aoto, very old stone, the paper it was wrapped in when i got it was from 1970 :)
Aotos like that is imposible to find now and cost a fortune


Just got 2 new to my collection

Deal was that i send my supplier my Rare western Naturals and he send me his :) So i did not know what i get to make it bit fun :D
So i Shipped him my Eschers, Coticules and some French Nat stone.

And here is what i got for first batch i get 3 more stones next week

First one blows Aizu in all !!!! Rarity and performance
When i looked at it i thought Aoto and i got straight answer that is not Aoto :spankarse: !!!!
It is Saeki, and not just reguler Saeki it is black Saeki witch is very Rare, you can stil get brown Saekis if you are lucky, but they are much much softer and very slow !!

It hase some sparkels all over the stone, very difficult to see on the picture. But very beautiful in person.
All Lines and small inclusions is not toxic at all and even can not be field.
It took me about 1 hr to lap it with 140grit Atoma :eek2: Then i just gave up and there are stil some deep lines in the stone, they will go away with time
Fines of that stone is approx same as Very fine Aoto but speed man..... !!!! I took my Honyaki witch is super hard to sharpen and it took no time to raze a burr and finish was super uniform !
Wow this is my new favored medium stone ! it cuts like 1k maybe lower but finishes like 4k with mud maybe 6k. :bliss:

Here is some pictures there will come some videos later :D



Second is 3 kg Shinden suita Raw stone. Also Very Rare huge stone !
At first i thought i will cut it up for Naguras, because of all those lines and very weird shape.
But after i have tried it with my tools , kanna, chisels and kuri, i decided to kip it. Lines was not toxic at all and shape was super nice for tools !
Very very fast stone and leves amezing finish lv 4,5 for sure maybe even more but super fast.
i undestand why all woodworkers in japan go for those yellow suitas like Shinden or Okudo, you will need only 1 stone for your work space :)
And you can just leve it as display stone, because it looks so cool :D




Beggin you to show us a video of your newest two stones in action :shocked3: They sound ultra cool.
Super hard, Cuts like a 1k and leaves a 6k finish?? That's a Grail Stone if I've ever heard one!
Super hard, Cuts like a 1k and leaves a 6k finish?? That's a Grail Stone if I've ever heard one!

Agree, when can we get one? :EDance2:

I have not heard about black Saeki before. What are the sparkles?

Tanba (Kyoto) Aoto: Softer and rougher < Saeki (brown??)< Aono, Inokura < Kouzaki
Unfortunately this stones is imposible to find now :( my supplier had only this one and it was in his privet collection.
I told him to look for some to sell, but he just say its super difficult ! If he find any he will let me know, it have to be from some carpenters that are willing to sell they used ones. :lol2:
I can only get some brown ones but they are really not worth of having ! More like Amakusa stones
BTW Saeki is Kyoto stone
got the last batch from trading :) Super rare stones !
All for my collection :D

Ozuku Tenjyou Range Suita


Nakayama Suita



Maruka Kiita



2 Asano Nagura Koma, pure white and marble

Got 2 new Buetful and special stones that deserve to be here :)

First is Atagoyama very light color, the smoothest one i ever try very very big stone.
That one is sold already to very lucky buyer !!!
Size is: 220mm 82mm 74mm 3200g



Second is very powerful Nakayama Kiita, color is very deep.
Very cool stone. Odd shape but can be used on razors or small knives anyway. Or just for display :D
That one is for sale in store !

Maxim what did type of glue did you use to fix the broken stone?
Just super glue between stones and epoxy to wooden base
nice , congratz )

this one +1 for your collection ?
Maxim, I understand these are your collection stones and it's anything but hard to tell that they are very good stones albeit that Ohiira Renge Suita had a wee bit too much Renge for what I would comfortably hone woodworking tools on, ought to be great for knives though. :)

I've managed to weasel myself into a handful of gorgeous collection stones in the past and I suppose I'm here attempting just that again. hihi ;)

Ohiira Renge Suita "kiita", is it a knife or tool finisher, or can it handle both if you're an experienced user?
Your own crazy Aoto (talk about sword quality, impossible to find today outside of private collections)
Saeki, is this a stone that is similar to a coarser Kouzaki? They both look quite similar so it wouldn't surprise me if the mining location isn't far away from each other. Kouzaki is more like a true mid-polisher however, but just how do the particles on this stone feel? The "clear" feedback of an Aoto, the wet, refining feeling of Tsushima or even something completely different? My needs are stones for sword polishing and woodworking tools (I make my own shirasaya and it flows well with my addiction to J nats) so I would love an in-depth description on this Saeki as it's a stone I've never experienced before.
Nakayama Maruka Kiita Kan, looks like a ridiculously good daily stone for woodworking. Would you consider parting with it for the right price?

These are all very interesting stones. You have a few one more that also are extremely interesting but not quite in my needs as I for example have a great specimen of Okudo Renge Suita and thus doesn't really need an Ozuku Tenjyou Suita, but as a collector I really want it, Haha.
I'll let my inquiry stand in case you want to sell one or a few of the mentioned stones. The Aoto would be for swords though so that's the one I'm the most interested in but it's hard to speculate without a response on your end, Maxim.

I have to ask one thing however, why are you recommending Nagura? There's a few examples of stones working best when rubbed against an identical stone but Asano Nagura??? Even us sword polishers have pretty much entirely switched over to diamond plates, Atoma seems to be the best bang for the buck. The polishers that doesn't use plates tend to use an identical stone to produce the slurry; chu-nagura for chu-nagura, koma-nagura for koma-nagura and so on.

Are you trying to stay traditional? I'm struggling to understand why you aren't recommending a good diamond plate, especially since you deal with hard Jnats which is where the plates are the most useful.
I will not sell any of my privet stones, because i use them my self :)
Any stone sale go true email or PM and not in open forum.
I recommend Nagura because i think it is best, andy sword polishers i know in Japan do not use Diamond plate and almost all that i know in Japan that understands a bit in Japanese Naturals will never recommend Diamond plate to create slurry.
And Nagura cost like 14 euro VS Diamond plate 100 euro. You can have many different results with naguras wile with Diamond plate just one.
I'm struggling to understand why you aren't recommending a good diamond plate, especially since you deal with hard Jnats which is where the plates are the most useful.
Actually with hard J-nts diamond plates are not the best choice, the best slurry is nagura then tomonagura. Diamond plates scratch the stone and then the finish is not as uniform, not to mention stray diamonds on the surface will scratch the bevels.
I know some sellers recommend atomas for slurry and claim Iwasaki uses them but several people went to visit Iwasaki and found out he does not use atoma or any other diamond plate for that matter.