masakage Yuki advice

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Sep 24, 2015
Reaction score
Hey guys first post. sorry if there's already af post like this but i'm having a bit of trouble with the search engine.

Im looking into buying the Masakage yuki for use at work. does anybody have it and can tell me how reactive it is how it performs. ect ect
No joy on the Masakage but to search the site use the syntax and paste to google: search term(s) here

I'll shamelessly plagiarize Matus and suggest that the onboard search function must have been outsourced to microsoft :whistling:
I have one because it's clad the reactivity isn't an issue. Masakage shimo is the only masakage line that's a ***** to maintain(masakage kujira) could be bad but I'be never handled one of them to know. As the above review states it's a beautiful knife and represents exceptional value. But im a little biased as I like masakages business model and have fully enjoyed all their products. Plus the yuki line looks really nice. Very unique.
Hi Flaffer. As godslayer said, the Yuki is not very reactive. I have a Yuki Nakiri, so I'm just commenting on the reactivity part, You did not say it, but I think you're looking for a gyuto. Mine formed a patina real fast, And no sign of rust so far. I also have a shimo and it's really a pain in the a** to maintain. I don't know if it would be a problem in your work, but the Yuki has very thin blade.
ahh yeah sorry for the lack of info, but yes its the gyuto 210 or 240 i'm considering. But no got at nice german knife for the heavy duty stuff so itll not be af problem