Massdrop Knife ?

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Jul 18, 2016
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So there's this knife on massdrop that in the discussion people were asking whether the knife was forged or stamped, and the makers (or somebody in the know about the knife's production) responded rather curiously with "The BD1N steel is forged. The blade is laser cut". I'm curious as to what this could possibly mean. Does it mean that they "forge" a sheet of metal and then laser cut knife blanks out of it? And what would forging a sheet of metal even mean then?
I might just be getting confused about the meaning of forging, but forging a steel and then laser cutting the knife just doesn't seem to make sense.

here's a link to the knife although I think you need a massdrop account to actually look at it

also the maker's selling point seems to be that the knife's bolster "is specifically designed to guide the hand into a pinch grip." :lol2:
They lost me when they used the word 'Revolutionized' ... Just another butt heavy mass produced knife with questionable geometry. Does anyone understands why does the hardness drop from 63 to 61 HRC during grinding? Do they overheat the blade in controlled manner? I would love to see that. The bolster looks particularly ugly, the metal butt just makes everything worse. I would rather get a Tojiro DP than this.
The link requires becoming a Massdrop member to explore the website, which I refuse to do. Unfortunately can’t view the knife or give an opinion. Massdrop should make it an open site for visitors.
There is a difference between forged and hand forged. A rolled sheet of steel from the mill has been forged. At that point, you could laser cut it and then you would have your "forged laser cut knife blank"
The link requires becoming a Massdrop member to explore the website, which I refuse to do. Unfortunately can’t view the knife or give an opinion. Massdrop should make it an open site for visitors.

Massdrop guest mode:

Same guy/company behind the Yaxell Dragon knives.


Knife skills that belong in one of the Youtube threads... which one is an exercise left up to the reader.
Oh. That guy is a nightmare. I posted in the discussion page for that. Originally they advertised it at 58-59 hrc. Gave me an aneurysm
Massdrop guest mode:

Same guy/company behind the Yaxell Dragon knives.


Knife skills that belong in one of the Youtube threads... which one is an exercise left up to the reader.

Thanks for posting the video.
I think I vomited in my mouth a little shortly after “Hi, my name is Dennis...”
Slick marketing to home cooks, a one-size-fits-all approach, pure hyperbole. That said, I always appreciate knife manufacturers trying to innovate knife designs, searching for new audiences through social media, etc. I’m not the audience, won’t be chucking my Kato for a Fusion.
I got the Dragon gyuto 10" and promptly returned it. The spine has a severe curvature and the knife came with rust spots. Also I kinda thought the knife would have a nice flat spot. It doesn't. Please stay very very very far away from that series at least.
The Dragon claims CTS-BD1N Monosteel at 63HRC (without any statement of it going back to 61 for any reason?), which would certainly be impressive ....

The profiles, as shown on the website, look a bit confusing indeed -- and the "10 in chef" explicitly claims it has a flat spot, ouch. And why does the Nakiri look like a butcher's cleaver with the top half missing?
The dragon fusion Nakiri is a godawful ***** of a confused knife. It was just sent in a passaround on reddit and I tried it. I went to cut a sweet potato into batons with it and had massive steering that I couldn't control completely no matter how hard I tried. It is the single most unwieldy knife I've ever tried in my life. I say this without a hint of exaggeration.
The Dragon claims CTS-BD1N Monosteel at 63HRC (without any statement of it going back to 61 for any reason?), which would certainly be impressive ....

The profiles, as shown on the website, look a bit confusing indeed -- and the "10 in chef" explicitly claims it has a flat spot, ouch. And why does the Nakiri look like a butcher's cleaver with the top half missing?

Well it's flatter than the 8", which isn't saying much. There's a Dragon fire series with more traditional profiles and same steel with a good return policy I might try again (the grind on the Dragon was pretty bad though, so it'll probably be a giant waste of time in the end :2cents:).
Maybe it's only drop forged to form the bolster? Similar to how Zwilling and Wusthof drop forge their bolsters probably.
I'm trying to figure out what a Massdrop is? :dontknow:
If you're being serious, it's a website based on the premise that people can band together and make group purchases to get discounts on hobbyist things. Separated into communities like mechanical keyboards, audiophile, cooking, blades, etc.

It's supposed to be cheaper than alternatives but since it depends on the manufacturer or a reseller agreeing to give a discounted price, the discount doesn't always end up being that great and then at the end of it all you wait something like 3 months for your stuff to ship. So imagine getting a 10 dollar discount from Amazon on an 80 dollar knife and then taking the 3 month shipping instead of 2 day. The only thing worth looking at most of the time is the massdrop exclusive collaborations. They're not always good though, which is illustrated nicely with this drop.
Large group purchases that help lower the cost on items

If you're being serious, it's a website based on the premise that people can band together and make group purchases to get discounts on hobbyist things. Separated into communities like mechanical keyboards, audiophile, cooking, blades, etc.

It's supposed to be cheaper than alternatives but since it depends on the manufacturer or a reseller agreeing to give a discounted price, the discount doesn't always end up being that great and then at the end of it all you wait something like 3 months for your stuff to ship. So imagine getting a 10 dollar discount from Amazon on an 80 dollar knife and then taking the 3 month shipping instead of 2 day. The only thing worth looking at most of the time is the massdrop exclusive collaborations. They're not always good though, which is illustrated nicely with this drop.

So it's like a group buy sort of thing?
Has production teams become so lazy that they refuse to do multiple takes or is this guy so full of himself that he thinks his time is not worth the hassle?

"This knife has never been sharpened"....Yeah, we can tell, that much is pretty clear.

So now we are calling gyuto profiles santokus now? Is that whats up? Is that what is hot in the streets?!
Massdrop is good for some products. There are two business practices they engage in which has severely limited any purchases by me in the past 6 months.

1. They often have old inventory that they repost which would not be a problem except they make you wait 2 or 3+ months for the item to ship to make it seem like they are getting new shipments from the factory. I guess they have to keep the lie going like Wakanda with the holographic city. This is speculation based on past transactions and drops which I have no concrete evidence of.

2. They make agreements with companies to peddle their old, expired, and outdated merchandise and treat it as new goods without giving any information as such. Which would be fine if they would at least give a steep enough discount to make such a purchase worthwhile which they never do. This I do have proof of with a somewhat recent purchase that I made last year.

I am sure Massdrop was great in it's heyday but like most organizations in a capital based society where profit is to be made greed, growth and grandstanding turned it into another social hub for people looking for a connection through random spurts of collective consumerism.
Hey all,
Haven't been on this site in ages, but this link came up in a search last night

I was part of the original discussion over on MD that was questioning the hardness rating. Originally it was listed at 63 in the specs (the same as what's claimed by the maker in discussions of other knives of his on that site previously, as well as in his various promotional videos), the specs were changed after people started questioning the fact that one of the MD employees said they tested a Dragon and it came out around 58.5, but that employee later stated he tested himself with the help of a buddy on a machine with an unknown calibration history, so had no idea if it was accurate.
It quickly turned into quite a mess....much back and forth, and editing of the makers comments was required.
Long story short, the new specs are now listed as follows : Blade hardness: 63 HRc (tested, after heat treat), 61 HRc (estimated, after grinding)
And they plan to have a few blades tested professionally after production starts, to get a final answer once and for all.

I actually like the looks. I know it's not everyone's cup o' tea, and quite frankly it's not mine either if you look at my other knives.... But something about it, i just like it (the current pics on the site are from the prototype. The handle is going to end up just a bit thinner with the bolster taper smoothed out a bit.

Anyway, the main reason I'm writing all this here is this; after all the drawn out back and forth the whole thing just got under my skin a bit, I had some ebates money sitting in my PayPal account, so decided to go ahead and buy it to see it for myself (worst case scenario I'm about $50 out of pocket, not the end of the world)
If anyone is interested, might be willing to do a pass-around after I have a little time with it myself
"the specs were changed after people started questioning the fact that one of the MD employees said they tested a Dragon and it came out around 58.5, but that employee later stated he tested himself with the help of a buddy on a machine with an unknown calibration history, so had no idea if it was accurate."

A vendor that allows measurement data from a "machine with an unknown calibration history" to be published as specs in their name, without disclosing the fact the measurement equipment is out of cal, does not deserve trust.
A vendor that allows measurement data from a "machine with an unknown calibration history" to be published as specs in their name, without disclosing the fact the measurement equipment is out of cal, does not deserve trust.

I think you misunderstood the situation.
1. The company originally stated a 63HRc
2. The accuracy was questioned when a Massdrop employee claimed to have tested an actual knife at only 58.5 HRc.
3. It was later discovered that the machine used for the "Massdrop" test had an unknown calibration history so that 58.5 HRc test is the one in question.
4. The company released new specs stating 63 Hrc after heat treat and 61 Hrs after grinding.

The company did not release test results from a machine with an unknown calibration history.
I was also part of that conversation thread, and I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
I was criticizing massdrop as a vendor, not the OEM. And publicly releasing a "we tested it, 58.5 HRC" to a discussion forum without mentioning your equipment is out of cal - ouch.
Yeah, like I said, it turned into a bit of a mess. Too many people trying to be helpful without thinking of the consequences
But that's MD for ya....lots of **** to dig through to find the occasional gem

Haha hello barclid. I'm super skeptical, but like I said, it got under my skin... And $50 was cheap enough for me to appease my curiosity. Worst case scenario I have a gift for a less discerning friend or family member

A vendor that allows measurement data from a "machine with an unknown calibration history" to be published as specs in their name, without disclosing the fact the measurement equipment is out of cal, does not deserve trust.
It was a little different than that. It wasn't listed as a spec for this knife.... It was in the comments section and referring to another knife by the same maker, using the same steel, that claimed the same hrc. Still not a wise move, but not as bad as publishing it the way you describe. The spec in the product description said 63hrc as per the manufacturer before it was changed
Well, an extra month added to the estimated shipping date after manufacturing curiosity has been overturned and I canceled my order. Offer on a pass around rescinded