My weird week, Not as bad as Colin's

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I just recieved the best news possible. My Sous Chef is staying.

Now what to do with my free time?

Well let's see - Highs in the 50's this weekend will allow for a few days of good riding and you own guns, so burn off a few rounds at the range. There you go.
Been following this sent you a PM. See you haven't been on since last night. Hope you are O.K. Health wise right now. I worry when you disappear.
Scott always had a knack for summing things up in very simple terms....

Son, stop eating pets, and add some oats to the diet...

Scott, hope all is well...miss our regular bar chats.
So, the month keeps getting better. Got strep throat and pneumonia, Hurricane hit, Restaurant is flooded and power is out, being docked a weeks pay because of the hurricane and my roommate found one of the feral cats dead on the dining room floor for no apparent reason. We tore the house apart looking to see if they got into anything or found a poisoned mouse or something but, no go. I suspect heart worms personally. She is going to get the other cats checked out and hopefully for them it's not too late. Two down, Three to go.
You do realize, catkiller, that this being Halloween the spirits of those two cats are coming for you tonight?

Hax the Cook CLEAVERS RULE!!! :D
and here I was starting to feel sorry for myself...we had two of our experienced accountants give notice this week and the managing partner is seriously considering not replacing them until late next year. Between new baby and now this, I think I can kiss sleep goodbye.

Son - glad to see you made it through the storm alright. Take it easy for a few days and get healthy. F the cats, who cares about them anyways.
Salty, damn man, I feel for you. I don't know what your spousal relationship was like, but I know how I would feel, and it would suck worse than anything ever. As for the sous, take the chance to get yourself some time off, and then maybe a reward for the sous.

Son, if you wrote a book I would read it, seriously. You tell such a great story, even though the living of it has got to suck as well. The part that kicks me the hardest was your heart attack in the midst of it all. You seem very calm, where I certainly would not be.

My truck broke. big whoop. I got a replacement. There's my sob story. HA! You guys just plain rock.
Hidden camera shows what's really going on in Son's kitchen:
