Need project knife recommendation for italian american lefty

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Apr 5, 2015
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Dear Kitchen Knife Forum,

My guitar building teacher and friend Randall Angella had a heart attack and some other issues.
I'd like to get/make him a kitchen knife to get his mind off of things, and cheer him up.

Can you guys give me a recommendation?

Currently asking him

Are you right or left handed?
Left--very strongly left

Are you interested in a Western handle (e.g., classic Wusthof handle) or Japanese handle?
Asking him

What is your absolute maximum budget for your knife?
$100. I'm pretty broke because all of my money goes to my patients or staff. My dental business is only 5 months old right now.

Do you primarily intend to use this knife at home or a professional environment?

What are the main tasks you primarily intend to use the knife for (e.g., slicing vegetables, chopping vegetables, mincing vegetables, slicing meats, cutting down poultry, breaking poultry bones, filleting fish, trimming meats, etc.)? (Please identify as many tasks as you would like.)
I'm checking with Randy. I hope to pay him a visit next Thursday.

What knife, if any, are you replacing?
None, but I don't know if he has any halfway decent knives.

Do you have a particular grip that you primarily use? (Please click on this LINK for the common types of grips.)
I'll check on Thursday. Hopefully pinch grip.

What improvements do you want from your current knife? If you are not replacing a knife, please identify as many characteristics identified below in parentheses that you would like this knife to have.)
I think that his *best* knife is a serrated stainless steak knife.

Edge Retention (i.e., length of time you want the edge to last without sharpening)?
Not sure how important it is. He's not carving carbon fiber (like on his guitar braces).

Do you use a bamboo, wood, rubber, or synthetic cutting board? (Yes or no.)
Not sure. I think he uses a wood cutting board.

Do you sharpen your own knives? (Yes or no.)
Yes. He'd better. He sharpens all his other guitar building tools.

Additional information. Randy is very american italian. He's very, very passionate about craftsmanship, form, and beauty.
I honestly don't think that he has an idea about what a sharp kitchen knife is (he's an italian guy with questionable cooking skills, as his wife likely does most of it). He was a former bricklayer and construction guy, so he can be a bit hamfisted. Ironically, his guitars are amazingly delicate and responsive, while being robust and forgiving.

As his former student/apprentice, I'd likely have to put in some craftsmanship of my own to result in a satisfactory product.
I'm thinking of making something with guitar woods as a tribute to him: brazilian rosewood handle. Bone spacer. Maybe mother of pearl something. German spruce saya. The saya pin will be an ebony bridge pin that I have sitting around. Maybe something with ebony, mahogany, or spanish cedar.

I'm honestly not sure how this will turn out...or how far off the ground this will go.
I hope to get the perfect piece of brazillian tomorrow when I visit my Luthier buddy to drop off some equipment (not from his workshop, but a woodshop nearby).

I'd also appreciate possible pictures of design proposals.
It'd probably have been wiser to get the information first and then ask for recommendations.
It'd probably have been wiser to get the information first and then ask for recommendations.
Getting relevant information so far has been like pulling teeth.

And if you've never made a knife handle before, you might be in for more than you anticipated.

Once you find out his preferences -- I assume you're not planning this as a surprise -- maybe just treat him to a really decent, complete knife (off the shelf), for the immediate gratification. If he likes it a lot, then you can buy complementary knives for him in the future when suitable occasions arise.
For the record, pulling teeth is rather fun!

I may follow your suggestions.
However, I'm also working on my sushi-chef friend's rehandle project...may post at a later date.
Having access to a milling vise and a good drill press is pretty handle--must thank my luthier friend for his help.
If it goes well, I'll proceed with the project. If not...I'll save up more money. My timeline is Christmas.

Anyways, I got more info from him:

-knife style: Carver. For carving meat, roasts, etc.
-handle: doesn't care. western, D, or oval is fine. He was mildly amused about a knife that only lefties can use.
-his words, "Don't kill yourself over it, kid."

Any recommendations (stock or "projects")?
FWIW, I've never really used a carver before.
I was trained to use a chinese cleaver for everything (including peeling fruit).

Also, I bought the brazilian rosewood.
I got a small slab (legal, old growth, $10!, rift sawn) that should handle quite a few knife handles and guitar bridges.
Also got some basswood for a saya.

ps. What should I look for in a "carver"?
Should I go for a yanagiba, a cimitar, an old Sabatier? Possibly a japanese bread knife?
Any brands (old or new)? I'm prepared to do a regrind if necessary. Thankfully, I'm somewhat ambidextrous.
Additional info:

He's used to American stuff--walmart specials, etc. Three years ago, I got him hooked on Japanese steel (gave him some nice chisels).
Mostly he sharpens the chisels on a diamond plate.
I would guess that by carver he would mean a sujihiki. It's a bit like a short (height) gyuto.

Sorry for the very late reply. Been working on a few cases.

I'll probably get a Sabatier when the time comes. Most Suji's are 70/30 righty biased.
Also, I'm not sure how much of a knife guy my friend is...didn't get a chance to visit him.
My mom was recovering from surgery.

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