Knives & Stones One day sale

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Senior Member
May 6, 2016
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Thanks for the sale James. Just picked up a new camp gyuto!
Grabbed a set of Choseras but noticed the prices listed on the actual product pages are higher than listed on the more general pages. Were prices raised to compensate for the sale?
Grabbed a set of Choseras but noticed the prices listed on the actual product pages are higher than listed on the more general pages. Were prices raised to compensate for the sale?
In my dealings with James I've always found him to be a pretty genuine guy. I don't think that that sort of nonsense is his style.

I think that what is happening here is that if you are outside Australia and you haven't bought knives worth 300 AUD, it costs about 10 AUD more per stone in shipping. You have to tick the appropriate box on the stone page which will then alter the price. I suspect that if you ticked the wrong box and you contacted James, he would happily sort it out for you (keep in mind that he's probably going to be a bit busy for the next day or two).
Sounds like a problem I once had w K&S(I think). I pmed James and he told me the price would adjust itself at checkout. Although you might want to PM him to make sure.
Thanks for the replies. Got a message that the order was cancelled because of a policy of not shipping stones internationally without any knives in the order. Bummer...
Grabbed a set of Choseras but noticed the prices listed on the actual product pages are higher than listed on the more general pages. Were prices raised to compensate for the sale?
Realise you're no longer getting any Choseras due to international shipping policy but... I'm 99.99% certain that James hasn't raised prices for the sale. Nor would I expect that he would - that's just not James. I know for a fact that two items I've been contemplating have not changed price-wise.

Also compared the prices I paid for some Naniwa stones from him around 18 months ago, I found some prices had risen while others had dropped. If I chose the same stones during this sale, I'd definitely be saving money over last year's prices.
Thanks for everyone's comments about the sale and James. It was an honest question and not meant to infer anything negative about James or K&S. His offerings are among the best available and I've been looking for a reason to purchase from K&S and this was a good opportunity to do so. Unfortunately it didn't work out, but will definitely be looking around to see if I can find an excuse to place another order soon. :doublethumbsup:
i'm not one of those shop during sales people because i figure if i have to wait for a sale to get something, then i didnt really want it that badly in the first place..

on topic, chosera 400 and 800 are top notch stones
Just a thought - prices are shown to US customers in converted USD but set in AUD, so you may see changes based on the exchange rate. There are a few knives on my list that I check up on periodically and I feel like in the last month or so it’s swung a little in Australia’s favor.
Tanaka Ginsan Nashiji Lite 240mm came in. Like the blade very thin behind the edge. Not quite as tall as the Metal Master 240mm I have purchased in the past. Rounded and polished the spine & choil. Was able to put a very sharp edge on the Ginsan steel thinning bevel at around 3% & got a even burr at 10%.

The octagon wa handle is a darker wood with buffalo horn collar. The bevels were perfect however I could feel a ridge where the wood meets the horn. So redid the handle. Took 10mm off the back with a fine Japanese hand saw, sanded the back to 320 brought out the end grain nicely. Sanded the Horn & wood till totally flush also to 320. Then 0000 steel wool to even out the horn. Three coats of 50/50 Tung oil & clear bulls eye shellac. Buffed looks good the slightly shorter length to me makes the handle fit the blade better. I have large hands & with a pinch grip still some room in the back.

Tanaka Nashiji is one of my favorite bang for the buck knives. I figure with hand forged blades they will differ. Don't know why James has the Ginsan Tanaka's where as Metal Master only carries when in stock:D in VG10. Have sharpened & used the VG10 versions best VG10 I have used. Around 6 students have ordered them and a teacher at the school.

After spiffing up this G3 with an excellent blade, might be my keeper Tanaka.
Sorry for the late reply guys. The Choseras has gone up quite a bit recently, nothing I can do really. Tried hard to keep them as is but there is only so much I can do.
@ashy2classy, shipping 5KG of chosera out of AU via DHL is basically cost prohibitive for me, with no knife order it will just not work :( Thanks very much for understanding.

Anyway, now is the time to keep an eye on the BFCM sale. It won't be a straight xx% off, rather i will have some special for the party. Some rare items, some decent upgrades, some one-off-specials :) Still trying to figure out what I will put out but I am working on it.

Anyway, now is the time to keep an eye on the BFCM sale. It won't be a straight xx% off, rather i will have some special for the party. Some rare items, some decent upgrades, some one-off-specials :) Still trying to figure out what I will put out but I am working on it.

Oh dear, I think I'll have to go on a type of BF/CM knife buying Lent.
Anyway, now is the time to keep an eye on the BFCM sale. It won't be a straight xx% off, rather i will have some special for the party. Some rare items, some decent upgrades, some one-off-specials :) Still trying to figure out what I will put out but I am working on it.


Might I suggest dropping the free shipping threshold to 100 USD for a BF offering? Knives only if it's easier. Take my money! (But only a little bit of it...)
Black Fri Cyber Mon. Not really an thing in Oz- I had to look it up last year.
Black Friday Cyber Monday! I was taught by the abbreviation loving country the U.S.A. ! LOL
was there an announcement for a one day sale? I can't wait for BF/CM. There's a hole in my pocket book
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Yes, mailing list along with instagram / fb is the first source that i send out news at K&S. I hate receiving junk mail so I always insure the email that i send out isn't one; and combined with my laziness, I rarely send mails out. The ones that in deed went out are either rare items, or sale announcements. I try to announce at the forum but there are times that i forget.