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h1n1 swine flu is rampant in California right now. Stay healthy everyone and get vaccinated!!
Hope everyone else gets theirs soon. I don't have any cool pattern welded stuff to show, but here's my AEB-L with redwood handle:


This is a beauty. I wish I can buy one of this.
So I checked over my list and I have 20 to go. I said earlier that I hoped to finish by the end of the week with all of those, but it's a few more than I realized. I am now setting the goal of having them finished ten days from now. Those of you that have paid in full are at the top of the list and I will be sending out payment notices shortly for the rest of you. I send these out a day or two early so that I am able to ship the knives as soon as they are finished.
I'm still running with only half a tank, because of the crud I've got, but I'm still hoping to make some serious progress.
Thanks for working so hard Del. I'm super excited! Take care.
I am ridiculously excited by the news!:O
Loving my hunter orange handle ;D
It arrived dec 23, so it was a nice xmas present for myself!

Got a good days work in today. Tired as all hell, just got out of the shop, but it feels good.
happy new year, and looking forward to my carbon damascus! I'll send payment once I get the notice.

I now have 21 finished blades on my bench the past two days work. They are ready for handles. I start that phase tomorrow. Five at a time, and I'll start shipping finished ones on Saturday. Lots of cutting up handle material and drilling holes tomorrow. And lots of dust too. I am glad the congestion is gone, and the sneezing is almost stopped. Sneezing into a filter mask really bites.
The 21 blades are all I have on order except for the new orders I received this week.
Del, do you still take orders for these?
Tired, 16 finished and boxed, will post pics in the morning. Three more with handles glued up to finish tomorrow. That will be the end, except for the new orders I got this week. I'll be sending notices for payment for those in the morning too.

It came in record time from MI to Kansas City. I'm actually super impressed with the handle - it's seamless. The AEB-L feels great in use. Thanks again Del!
Got mine yesterday and it's a little beauty. Haven't had a chance to use it yet, but it feels really nice in the hand.
Got mine yesterday and it's a little beauty. Haven't had a chance to use it yet, but it feels really nice in the hand.

I just saw your paring knife, amazing! Are these still available by the way. Gary

PS. Hello everyone, very nice to meet you.
Got my knife today. Looks and feels great. thanks!!!!


Mine arrived Wed. I really like the look and feel of the knife and since it looks so different maybe the wife won't wash it in the dishwasher. Looks like I may have to try making a magnetic knife holder soon, very soon.
Mine arrived yesterday at my us address. Still got another ten days to wait for it to get here.
i just heard from my courier that they're gonna deliver it today. finally she's arriving! lookin forward to it.

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