Poor final edge after reprofiling

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from The Netherlands, EU.
KKF Supporting Member
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
I don't if it's due to my poor technique, but I noticed my final edges after some major changes (new bevel, major thinning) are much better after some waiting time. Does this sound familiar to you? Has it to do with some rearrangements within the steel structure? I do think so because I noticed it with more complex steels (e.g. VG-10, AS) rather than with more simple ones (C85). Or is it just me getting tied??
Do you mean you leave the knife for a while without using it and it seems better? Or you use it for a while and it seems to get sharper?
By any chance are you using a HHH knife made with meteorite?
I doubt it, probably just a placebo. Only thing I can think of is ruining the temper by doing the belt sander thing without care and thats bad... as in really bad.
Pesky thinks you're just tired. I would tend to agree. Waiting to do the finest detailed work when you're fresh seems like a good idea.