Roo on the roof

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Sounds like a nursery rhyme. Love it. There’s an author chris van Duden, this sounds like is circus ship book. Lol
Roo on the roof, snake in the sink, Tasmanian Tiger in the tank, unicorn in the undies, viper in the van, wombat in the wardrobe. Happens every day, mate…
You should clearly write a children's book about this!
That's quite convenient if your food comes to you...
not much mystery surrounds it. obviously, that's where aliens beamed it back down. no other reasonable explanation. 🛸
Not a roo on the roof, but we can darned close to poo on the roof this morning. Courtesy of our newish kitten, who conquered floor, door and washing machine. He was discovered before he could get anything to the roof, but I am sure he has plans for tomorrow.
Cows will end up on the roof sometimes when there is flooding. They are buoyant and will float pretty good and kick toward whatever high ground they see. Then the flood waters recede and they are stuck on the roof.

Here's an example from my hometown in Kansas in 1985


Here's a more recent example from South Korea
My trip to Melbourne many years ago was a real wake up call. I live in the Seattle area have seen many different animals on the golf courses around here. Deer, elk, fox, raccoon, mink, snakes and a lot of other animals that live around here. But trying to golf through dozens of kangaroos who are trying to get some sleep really cracked me up.