should i be concerned? sabatier purchase on ebay

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labor of love

Denka Mystery Cult Adherent
KKF Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
earlier today i got the winning bid on a vintage sabatier knife. looks like i got a pretty decent deal. heres a link to the final price and photo...
then later on today, there was a newly listed sabatier...with the exact same photo. i know im not allowed to post links here of ebay auctions until theyre over, but if you search vintage sabatier professional chefs knife it should come up. why is a different seller using the same EXACT photo for a different auction?
I'm not sure. Its pretty weird that its relisted, but I wouldn't worry because the original seller you got it from has such a high feedback rating. I guess only time will tell. Good luck.
I agree and sometimes sellers are to lazy to take pictures of there own so they use ones from other listings.
I just checked the seller and it's not relisted now. That's a big honkin' knife bro - happy wielding. :pirate2:
Oops - went to your link and yes either there it is, or the seller is just using the same pics for multiple items. Have you emailed them? Did you use paypal - if so you should be covered.
Yeah, I def used PayPal. Here's the thing, as I'm sure many of you know, the photos for vintage sabs are very important because there's so much stuff to examine to get an idea of the condition( cracks in the handle, serious pitting, too much steel removed from years of sharpening)I would be pretty pissed off if the knife I receive isnt the one in the photo.
Quick update-the seller just assured me the knife I purchased is the same knife in the picture.
The new listing is a different seller. It's against eBay's TOS to use another seller's photos, and eBay makes it hard to copy a listing photo (you have to use CaptureWiz or Snagit or something like that). I have a question in to the second seller.

FWIW, the feedback rating for the first seller (anna), at 98.6%, is not very good by eBay standards. The second seller (goptimus), who may have copied the photo, has a more typical 100% rating.

Please let us know when the knife arrives if it's identical to the picture.
i sent a message to the second seller (goptimus) about the knife in that photo and mentioned the same photo was used in an earlier auction. im waiting for a response.
The new listing is a different seller. It's against eBay's TOS to use another seller's photos, and eBay makes it hard to copy a listing photo (you have to use CaptureWiz or Snagit or something like that). I have a question in to the second seller.

FWIW, the feedback rating for the first seller (anna), at 98.6%, is not very good by eBay standards. The second seller (goptimus), who may have copied the photo, has a more typical 100% rating.

Please let us know when the knife arrives if it's identical to the picture.

98.6% over almost 1400 feedback to me is far better than 100% over 80. Especially when if you look at the feedback, one of the negatives is seemingly for no reason.
feedbacks are only about the communication, if it arrived on time, etc.

what i don't like about ebay is that buyer / seller feedback doesn't include after sales info like if it was the real thing, or if the item was defective after some time....

i'm used to feedbacks from buyers and sellers that are more detailed, like on amazon, even forum sales feedbacks are better. which is why i go to forums most of the time for my stuff.

sometimes it's not really enough to convince me to wanna buy something from a certain seller. unless you intimately know about the item you're actually getting.

besides that, it's fine.
Franz, I see ebay feedback differently. Most important is overall feedback, which can be positive, neutral, or negative. There are additional ratings under "detailed seller ratings."

Buyers can most definitely leave negative feedback if the item was not as described or had some other significant problem.

Also, most folks have more transactions than feedback--not everyone leaves feedback. I have numerous (positive, I presume, since I think people are inclined to complain if there's a serious problem) transactions for which the other party did not leave feedback. And I'm not completely consistent about leaving it for others, either.
as a gardener that buys his seeds online and all these sellers that claim to have whatever variety of this and that in seed form, that kinda bothers me. coz by the time the window of opportunity to give feedback, your plants have only just begun to grow. specially being from overseas, i buy and trade seeds from all over the world (i've traded seeds with practically every continent on earth, 'cept for the obvious ones), they don't arrive til long after that window is long gone. i've had to wait for seeds for half a year before they arrive!

that also include knives and stones i've started to purchase over the past couple of years that i've become a knife knut.

longest time i've had to wait for a knife was 3 months. sometimes they don't even arrive at all (seeds, knives, stones, whatever), sure many factors here can be blamed but there has to be some reassurance here that you'll actually get your what you got, not some fake or something else altogether.

only thing that i do like about ebay is that since ebay does have a feedback system in effect, they care enough to resend whatever i bought from them or refund me the money. the wait is terrible though, you're not sure if it does arrive if at all. i know these are the costs of having to live in another country, a third world one no less. but, some buyers in the states would already go ballistic if their stuff doesn't arrive on time, like in a day or two. imagine what i have to go through waiting for a package!

in the forums that i do participate in, local or otherwise, yes i do leave feedback to those who have transacted with me. i'm a sales kind of person, i can pretty much "sell ice to eskimos" if i had to. so feedbacks are my bread and butter. i value it as much as i value the people i transact with. i have a 100% positive feedback in the local forum that i participated in transactions the most.

and those feedbacks got a lot less since that site's database crapped out and lost around 80+ of my positive feedbacks. there should be 400+ positive feedbacks just from that site alone.

pardon me if i got a bit off topic.

i go down into the detailed written feedbacks into every seller i buy from on ebay and amazon. i read them and i read a lot of them. sure that gives me an idea of who i'm dealing with, but it isn't enough. there are a few folks on ebay that sell stuff with copy - pasted information off of someone else. you see these guys selling their wares and not really getting in depth and not knowing what they sell enough to help us as the consumer to decide if they should buy from them or not. sure you can go and message them and ask, but they never bother editing their post and adding whatever details they give that's not written on there so they don't get asked all over again. you know what i mean?
it's great though that ebay has this sort of system in place, it would be better if they tried to improve on it a little more. just slight tweaks is all i would want. like more details on the feedback description, not this incredibly short "twitter length" that they enforce. then if the item the buyer actually bought was the real thing or not, coz it doesn't really say that. then there's after sales service feedbacks, i've owned businesses before and i know the value of good after sales service.

i get it, i'm just asking too much. lol.

it wouldn't hurt though, right? to get those details in....

after having owned a couple businesses, i've handled pretty much every part of the business as i am a hands on type of person. sales, promotions, production, design, web design, after sales, blah blah blah.... it just irks me coz i did the best i can with my businesses and some folks get away with half assed business ethics.

blabbing now. sorry.
Sorry for not updating this thread sooner. Yes, my knife arrived about a week ago, and it was indeed the knife in the photo. I played around with it some. Cleaned it up, "fixed" the profile and thinned it some and sharpened it up. 12 inch chef knives are a lot of fun but in the end I decided it wasn't a keeper and now it's back on eBay.
Sorry for not updating this thread sooner. Yes, my knife arrived about a week ago, and it was indeed the knife in the photo. I played around with it some. Cleaned it up, "fixed" the profile and thinned it some and sharpened it up. 12 inch chef knives are a lot of fun but in the end I decided it wasn't a keeper and now it's back on eBay.

Any reason you did not sell it here? It would be great to keep in the "family".
Franz, I see ebay feedback differently. Most important is overall feedback, which can be positive, neutral, or negative. There are additional ratings under "detailed seller ratings."
Buyers can most definitely leave negative feedback if the item was not as described or had some other significant problem.

+1 Feedback is not just about the communication it's the product as well as service. If some one has 100% feedback the only other other thing to do is look at past performance to see if the seller has any negative or neutral feed back in the past and how long they've been registered at fleabay....errrr I mean eBay.