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Where did you get the cloth pictured here?
What’s the ho wood gyuto in this pic? Not the watanabe but the other one?

my god... after tryin for close to an hour to upload on my laptop I finally went to the desktop, still having trouble with pictures so *crosses fingers*

This is the 2017 family of aquisitions. I've only been a member for roughly a year, and all of these have found their way to me in that span. Thanks to all the members that have sold to me, without you guys this picture would have a lot less friends in it :doublethumbsup:






Sorry I went picture crazy!
Wooh first knifeee. Mine comes in weighing at 151 grams while the website avg is 143 grams, which feels nice in the hand. If anyone has a ikazuchi, I'd love some sharpening advice.
Is that a custom profile? Looks much nicer than most.
This was a special order from Shosui thru Tosho. My first knife was stock and a lemon, so when I sent it back they were actually placing an order and asked what I wanted… I said 270 presuming that large was 270 not knowing it's actually a range. This is exactly 270 and pretty nice.

That HANDLE is amazing piece of of the few i would say that about.
I never even noticed until you mentioned it. I would disagree.
To each their own… I really like this handle in terms of looks and find it a good fit for the KU blade. Of course customs aren't for everyone… a burnt chestnut would be neat too.
Shiraki W#2 honyaki 240 with full moon over Mt. Fuji hamon. Handle is Gabon ebony with mammoth tooth ferrule and musk ox spacer.



this one came in after a good worthwhile wait and **** is unreallll i call it the western world TF. Joekiyo 190mm ktip santoku - extra tall


How does that yagumo perform?

It is comparable with my Takamura Hana in my opinion, with a little more heft and hight. It performs so well on carrots it's like cutting through butter. I think I will be keeping this one :laugh:
It is comparable with my Takamura Hana in my opinion, with a little more heft and hight. It performs so well on carrots it's like cutting through butter. I think I will be keeping this one :laugh:

what steel is the damascus cleaver?
Update on mutsumi hinoura KU shirogami2. It didn't blow me away ootb, but once I put my own edge on it this thing is awesome!! Cuts very precise and just feels so good in use because of the overall dimensions. 245x50 medium thickness spine very thin behind edge nice tall wide bevels good weight at 210grams.
what steel is the damascus cleaver?

Unfortunately I don’t know, at the store they only told me it is the best stainless steel they can get their hands on, but they wouldn’t tell me what steel. All I know is that they made their knives in house in a small workshop, at a good price too.
Shiraki W#2 honyaki 240 with full moon over Mt. Fuji hamon. Handle is Gabon ebony with mammoth tooth ferrule and musk ox spacer.




That's stuning, maybe the best honyaki by shiraki I have ever seen