Silly wood for a handle or not ?

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I thought about this piece, I think it would look great with a mirror finished knife, not silly at all, and truly unique.
And you could have a unicorn engraved on the blade!
I would make something pimpy with it,but that's just me.
I'm sure that will look nice when it's finished. If you want to see silly, search for butch's 'smashed hippie' mycarta ;)


Gotta ask, how do you pimp a knife ?

Take a look at Daves re-handle galley, Stefans website and the Fish gallery. Should pretty much answer that.

(I would link,but I'm using my phone)

Gotta ask, how do you pimp a knife ?


Like this.

in that case i must be a pimp, thats looks great to me !!!
If handled right, purple looks regal, not flashy and ostentatious.
Purple is a color of royalty after all :) I really like some of the cool colored stuff...That piece is really nice!
Not silly at all, you better buy it before I do!
I think it would look great. It reminds me of the finish on the Ibanez rga427z which I love and want badly.
personally, i don't really go for the weird colors. I'm not a fan of most of the green dyed stabilized woods i've seen, either. that purple's a bit bright for my liking. i dunno, call me old-fashioned, but i think wood should be wood-colored (purpleheart notwithstanding).
Well I see that piece is gone. I hope you got it and at the one-day sale price to boot.
I did a couple of purple western handles this year. I think that depending on what you get it can be pretty nice looking but that depends on your sense of style I guess.
I did a couple of purple western handles this year. I think that depending on what you get it can be pretty nice looking but that depends on your sense of style I guess.

I have both pink and purple handles.



Ahoy sailor!
I did pick up that peice

Still cant decide for my next custom if i go purple or get some of that Ironwood today !!
I think you should do green spacers, a gold end cap and gold mosaic pins; you can call it the Snoop Dogg Knife...
Is this purple dyed lacewood?

Sycamore if memory serves me correctly. From Burl Source. He has it dyed in a couple colors. It looks great in person, some metallic sparkle and color change as you move it around.