Sleep Remedies?

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Senior Member
May 7, 2011
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Norn Iron
To cut a long story short I don't have a lot of free time and I've started exercising again, at nights when I get home from work at about 10pm. However despite the obvious benefits of exercise, a pretty big problem has arisen: I can't sleep at all. There's usually only 2-3 hours between the exercise and me going to bed and unless I start exercising in the mornings, there's not a whole lot I can do about it. So my question: does anyone have any ideas/remedies/vitamins etc that helps them sleep? I take linseed oil and cod liver oil and I think it helps a little but it's not doing enough at the minute
haha bkultra if you don't want to remember anything sure they are addictive for sure
Have a baby - They will wear you out and then you will wish that you could sleep because they keep you up all night.

I will second the tea though too.
Just to help us give you suggestions, is this something that you want to incorporate into your nightly sleep routine? Or more of a once in a while type thing?

Are you thinking additional supplements/OTC/sleep aids, or more routine based stuff?

For OTC's things like 1-2 50mg Gravol can help, but Gravol can get addictive quickly. A lot of guys at my gym tend to like Melatonin, or if a doctor's available to you talk to her/him about a sleep aid like Lunesta. But with pills and such your body starts to get dependant on them so they're not ideal. And really bkultra is right. Benzos like Xanax or Ativan are often prescribed too. As an RN I've seen a lot and different things work for different people.

To avoid the dependence thing, more routine based actions can help. Do things in the same order each night you're getting ready to go to bed, but make sure it's different from your morning routine (it can confuse your body if they're the same, because your morning routine is associated with waking up, so you do want to use the same exact order when you're trying to wind down for the evening). Avoid caffeine a few hours before going to bed, and alcohol. Alcohol is funny in that it depresses your CNS at first, but then your CNS rebounds and it winds you up again. Take hot showers before bed (heat dilates your blood vessels and as you start cooling down after your shower it's a natural signal to your body to start preparing for rest, like how your circadian rhythm works).

Melatonin helps me sleep. Comes in different dosages from 1mg to 10 mg. I would suggest starting out with just 1mg, as that tends to help for most people. After that, go as high as you want, as studies have shown that there are no real side effects, other than drowsiness.
i used to have crazy trouble sleeping when i was working late nights. .5mg of melatonin worked wonders for me
Another one for melatonin here. Get some 3mg tablets and if that doesn't work well enough you can safely take 2.
i used to use nyquil a lot for sleep, but its not an every night kind of thing... not particularly good for the body
It varies so much from person to person. For me, OTC sleeping pills and meds give me restless leg syndrome and keep me up for torturous hours. Melatonin did nothing. Tried Seroquel which worked but made it so my sinuses were almost completely blocked. Ativan and Xanax works but of course it does! Gorging on wine sure works, too.
Herbal cookies. Don't eat a whole one though.
That is if they are legal yet where you live.

I tried the Nyquil sleep aid. Didn't work for me, just made me feel weird.
Disagree on "herbal" cookies, that's a good way to wake up stoned if you take them and then go to sleep. They last a while, and you don't get very good rem sleep when you're stoned.
Disagree on "herbal" cookies, that's a good way to wake up stoned if you take them and then go to sleep. They last a while, and you don't get very good rem sleep when you're stoned.

I've never had that issue. I don't have as much experience as a Canadian is likely to, though. :)
Sounds to me like you need to change your routine. Exercising at night is what's keeping you up. Stop that, get up earlier and exercise in the morning. You'll be invigorated for the day and sleep better at night.
I'm such a lightweight that anything with an antihistamine in it knocks me out. I sometimes take a single tablet of Alka Seltzer Plus Night Cold Formula.
Uhhh...smoke some herb? I wouldnt be surprised if this is one of the many reasons pot gets prescribed in the first place. Do you monitor your caffiene intake? How late in the day are you drinking coffee/soft drinks?
Any substance is a bad idea because your body will basically become accustomed to needing if for sleep. It's been mentioned already, but it's worth repeating. You'll have a horrible time trying to sleep without it if you're on it long enough. Doesn't apply to everyone, but it isn't worth the risk in my opinion. I've known people who smoke a bit to sleep. Then they wake up when it wears off and have to smoke a bit more to actually go back to sleep.

Melatonin is the same. Your body will produce less and less because your body is lazy. If it doesn't need to make it, why waste energy producing it?

Occasional use of a variety of things mentioned is fine. But don't become dependent. Change your routine as was mentioned. Workout in the morning. Next, try mediation or meditation tapes. Provides focus and relaxation for sleep if you're still having problems. For some people late evening carbs or sugar can affect metabolic rates as well and deter sleep. Acupuncture may help alter/reset your system.

Everyone's different, but I would avoid substance use on a consistent basis at first and only resort to it if you must.

Good luck!

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