Starter Anvil

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2012
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Would this be a decent Anvil to start with? Comments and suggestions appriceated. Need something solid to WHACK bolsters into place :D
If you can find an old one locally, I would go for that instead. You will get a better quality with an old one and probably a larger on too. :)

The first one you posted is also Cast Iron. It would be more of an Anvil-Shaped-Object, rather than an anvil.
Check around at farm auctions, and scrap yards. I got mine at a scrap yard. 125 pound ACME circa 1907 for $100. Still looking for a bigger one. :D
For what you want forget about the cast iron ones, the dent way to easily and absorb most of your force.
Go to a local scrapyard and look around, you may not find an anvil, but a good solid chunk of steel with a flat face will do you fine.
You may be able to get something for scrap prices, which would be heavier and less expensive.
I poured 80# of concrete around the angle part of a forklift fork yesterday. I don't plan on doing a lot of forging, but think this will serve my needs well. A local forklift repair shop gave me the fork, and the quikcrete was $7.00.

I was looking on and used ones were going for around $400. That's out of my budget right now. I'll take a look for a scrap yard and see if I can find an old piece of railroad rail or something 'Anvil' like.

Thanks for all the advice guys!
Discount cast iron anvil will probably be lumpy too, so you would need something big enough to flatten it first. After that you'd need a bucket of one of those "cold" case-hardening products. And it still wouldn't be a very good anvil.
Do you have Craigslist in Canada? I bought a 300lb Fisher, that I found right here in my town, off of CL.
I just looked and yes there is a craigslist here. Nada. I'll keep my eyes open.
I came across this Rigid Anvil and it states that it is made from Drop-Forged? Is that the same thing as Cast? I found a Canadian supplier that sells a 77 lbs one for $710. Something to save for.
Actually I did read the wikipedia entry on Forging and was unsure if Drop-Forging gives a steel product or a product like Cast-iron. I was looking for some clarification from the knowledgeable members here.
Drop forged would mean it is steel not cast iron.

Darren, check Kijiji Alberta, there are a couple 150 lb anvils fo $300 or less. One in Calgary.
I don't think that a 77lb Rigid for $700 is a good deal, actually sounds bad to me.

Look for old used anvils from Fisher, Peter Wright, Trenton, Mousehole, HayBudden, etc. Paying about $2 per lb is a decent deal but if the anvil is pristine and big (300lb+) expect to pay up to twice that.
Thank you AJ, Pierre and Dave! I'll keep this all in mind.

Darren, check Kijiji Alberta, there are a couple 150 lb anvils fo $300 or less. One in Calgary.

I have been checking kijiji, but haven't since monday. There's a few new ads I hadn't seen before. I might have to go return all the empties I got laying around and get some cash together. :wink:

I did find some abandoned railroad track rails behind my finace's office..... :idea: But they are full length pieces.
My dad has one made out of rail road track. It was my great grandfather's who made it. About 18" long I think. I should have taken a picture when I was at his house this week.

Ive used a piece of 4"x5" of I think D-2 that a guy had at a hammer in, It was sunk in a bucket of packed sand. I was amazed at how well it worked! He stated he got the bar from a scrap yard for $30. Might be worth checking your local scrap yard for a suitable size piece. Workd very well and although not "anvil shaped" was really nice to work on. Just a thought. Think Tai Goo uses a similar set up might check his site for ideas.

God Bless