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Ah yes, super glue. The one used in hospitals is dyed blue. I don't know if it's otherwise the same as the stuff that comes from the hardware store.

Most likely it is the same thing. The rare times I sustain a cut, I keep a tube of it in my pocket. Usually have to use it a few times through a shift to keep a weepy cut closed.
Interesting. I always wondered whether you could do that.

Oh yes, it works very well. It cures very quickly (1-2 minutes if that) and will hold for a few hours even on a highly used articulating joint.
There might be whatever additives in hardware store CA glues. However, there ARE NSF grade CA glues, maybe these would be the most reasonable choice around food...
After paying hospital bills for finger lacerations, i dont think ill ever go back to the ER for cuts, unless i cut an artery.

Sure, if its a superficial cut. But be careful, there's lots of fragile structures (tendons, nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, flexor pulleys, extensor retinaculae....) in a hand that are easy to injure and are immediately under the skin. Also, the last thing you want is to get septic arthritis or tennosynovitis. I would not advise "seeing how it goes" with very deep cuts.
I guess it's easy for me to say living in a country with readily available publicly funded health care, but yikes! these are your hands we are talking about.

I would also be very careful: with my oyster accident, I could have lost a tendon, although the cut seemed to me superficial. But same thing here: I do not pay hospital's bill thanks to universal health care.

Must say that in Belgium this is not an issue. I received an invoice for 19 eur afterwards.
I thought my chef was crazy when he offered me super glue. Thats interesting
Decades ago I bought a 6.5 inch (~160mm) Wusthof chef knife as a birthday present to myself. Thinking the edge wasn't all that great, I sharpened it immediately. Birthday morning consisted of a chicken and champagne breakfast. (back then we were allowed to call our sparkling wines champagne). Needless to say, several glasses of bubbly were consumed. The new Wustie was used to carve the chook but the last time I did this I left the knife blade leaning against the cutting board with the handle on the counter top. Could have been the oiliness, could have been the alcohol but stupidity was definitely involved.

The knife slipped and fell towards the floor. Can't recall if I put my foot out to stop its descent or not - a silly reflex many here have mentioned - but it landed horizontally across my big toe. I was barefoot and very quickly learnt that there's an artery in the big toe when I saw blood gushing to knee height. Bleeding was stemmed and off to the doctor who put in a few stitches. Unfortunately, the tendon was cut as well which resulted in a very floppy big toe. Was told I'd need a graft but months later, just as surgery was scheduled, it magically seemed to regrow itself.

sharp object + alcohol + stupidity = nothing good
Marek, Your story is both funny and terrifying at the same time. Its almost like a Greek tragedy. The GODS have resurrected your toe. You know you could be a King someday?

Sincerely, Hope your toe heals properly.

Decades ago I bought a 6.5 inch (~160mm) Wusthof chef knife as a birthday present to myself. Thinking the edge wasn't all that great, I sharpened it immediately. Birthday morning consisted of a chicken and champagne breakfast. (back then we were allowed to call our sparkling wines champagne). Needless to say, several glasses of bubbly were consumed. The new Wustie was used to carve the chook but the last time I did this I left the knife blade leaning against the cutting board with the handle on the counter top. Could have been the oiliness, could have been the alcohol but stupidity was definitely involved.

The knife slipped and fell towards the floor. Can't recall if I put my foot out to stop its descent or not - a silly reflex many here have mentioned - but it landed horizontally across my big toe. I was barefoot and very quickly learnt that there's an artery in the big toe when I saw blood gushing to knee height. Bleeding was stemmed and off to the doctor who put in a few stitches. Unfortunately, the tendon was cut as well which resulted in a very floppy big toe. Was told I'd need a graft but months later, just as surgery was scheduled, it magically seemed to regrow itself.

sharp object + alcohol + stupidity = nothing good
Marek, Your story is both funny and terrifying at the same time. Its almost like a Greek tragedy. The GODS have resurrected your toe. You know you could be a King someday?

Sincerely, Hope your toe heals properly.
Thanks MB. This happened a long time ago and the toe has fully healed.
Funny story? Not from my perspective. Greek tragedy? Definitely not. Happy to have walked normally ever since the tendon managed to mend. Surgeon couldn't understand how 3 inches of tendon managed to regrow itself. I'm just thankful that it did.

But despite such a powerful lesson, my foot still shoots out when something falls. A strop fell on my foot just this week resulting in a massive bruise. Guess I'm just a slow learner! :O
The dumbest thing I've done is jam the flat "tip" of a tanto blade into my left pointer finger. A day on the river and splitting chicken wings with a pocket knife at my buddy's house afterwards was the reason for this. Nice scar that almost half circles my finger and some odd twitching that occasionally happens was the result. I really hate when you slice a bit of your knuckle off going too fast and it takes forever to heal because the wound is swollen and you keep knicking it. Even though I have gloves on I still manage to agitate it so that it takes forever for a little scallop out of your finger to heal. And superglue/duct tape are always in my bag. Between the two, with some paper towels, most injurys in the kitchen aren't an excuse hehe.
Thanks MB. This happened a long time ago and the toe has fully healed.
Funny story? Not from my perspective. Greek tragedy? Definitely not. Happy to have walked normally ever since the tendon managed to mend. Surgeon couldn't understand how 3 inches of tendon managed to regrow itself. I'm just thankful that it did.

But despite such a powerful lesson, my foot still shoots out when something falls. A strop fell on my foot just this week resulting in a massive bruise. Guess I'm just a slow learner! :O

or maybe you've got magic feet.

I have magic eyes in that, any time I'm working with something that could become airborne in a kitchen, it's going in my eyes. Slice some peppers, juice directly in the eye. Lemon? Same. Split lobster tails? Cool brb gotta go to hospital and have them flush some shell out of my eye socket.
Maybe it's time to consider safety glasses in the kitchen. Could help with onions too.
To enshrine my stupidity, here's a photo of my "magic" left foot. It's the same one that stopped a Wustie from hitting the floor many moons ago.
Injuries from knives happen all the time but it takes a monumental amount of stupidity to be injured by something as innocuous as a strop.

View attachment 34362

For the record, it looks worse than it really is but it will take another couple of days to get it into a shoe.

Added by Angie
My (lucky) left foot.jpg
Trial shift 5 years ago. Sliced some leeks and a fingertip.
Ended up at a local ER. Had my thumb properly dressed.
Went back to work and finished my shift.
Had another trial shift then stayed there for a good 3 years.
My most memorable knife injuries were neither work- nor kitchen knife related ...

When I was around ten or twelve I was fooling around with my Swiss Army knife and tried to dig out a chunk of a solid chocolate Santa Claus by forcing the tip of the knife into the chocolate ... the blade promptly folded without warning and cut open the back of my middle finger. I can still see the edge embedded into my finger before my eyes, 30 years later. It is the most noticeable knife scar on my hands (the overall most noticeable scar is motorcycle crash related ...)

My other accident could have been a lot more serious - I had just gifted myself a new Fairbairn-Aplegate commando dagger and was lying in bed, on my back, and playing around with it while holding it in front of my face when it suddenly slipped from my fingers. I was just barely able to stop it with the fingers of my left hand before the ******* thing - heavy, razor sharp, needle pointed and double edged - would have hit me in the face. Put a really deep gash in the side od one finger, but I didn't complain. My idiocy could easily have cost me an eye, no idea what I had been thinking. Nothing, most likely.
Wanted to do a cutting vid, 3 beers in, my daughter decides play with the camera. I take my attention from the spring onions to tell her off. I cut to near the bone of my finger with a 270 Toyama with a fresh Karasu edge. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for you guys, in messing with the camera she manages to pause the recording otherwise it'd be recorded for posterity

"muuuuuum!! Daddy's got blood!"
@Badgertooth That's how you got that recent injury I saw posted in your IG?
Another going back in time. When I was a paper boy at around 13 hit a curb with a loaded basket of papers. The end of the handle bar went into my palm. Severed an artery spurting blood. Lucky was at a Doctors house. Remember him putting something under my nose because I was passing out. Think I can see part of that circle scar almost 60 years later.

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