Suggestions for caring for my new Watanabe?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2015
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I will be getting a Watanabe 210 Pro Gyuto for Christmas – Blue Steel #2 clad in iron, Kasumi finish. I have some other J-knives, by Togiharu, Takeda, Shun, Zakuri, but with this one I want to make sure I don’t make any mistakes in terms of sharpening and maintaining the finish.

I own a scattershot array of sharpening equipment – two Naniwa “Economical” stones (1000 and 3000), a Naniwa “Traditional” 8000, a couple of small Jnats (Nakayama Suita Koppa and Ozuku Asgi Koppa, the later being more suited to razor sharpening) plus an array of three naguras for use with the Jnats, a soon-to-arrive JNS Red Aoto Matuskusuyama (2-4K grit, appox.), and a couple of strops – felt loaded with .5 micron diamond spray and leather loaded with .5 micron diamond paste. An upgraded 1k stone is on my shopping list. I have an Atoma 140 diamond plate for lapping.

My question: what would be a good, sensible honing and maintenance regimen for this knife? In the above list of equipment, what should I emphasize or avoid? Is there something else I should have that I don't?

Your advice is always appreciated.
Oops big mistake on my part on the above narrative. I don't own a Takeda, I do have a Tanaka santoku.
I found some more typos!Asagi, not asgi, and Matukusuyama, not Matuskusuyama. Sorry for any confusion.
Would it make sense to stick with first the 1k, then the synthetic aoto, then finish up with a few light strokes on the 8k. Strop on the leather between sharpenings?
Would it make sense to stick with first the 1k, then the synthetic aoto, then finish up with a few light strokes on the 8k. Strop on the leather between sharpenings?

That makes a lot of sense to me.
I'm hesitant to reply as I'm no voice of reason but that sounds sensible to me. The synth aoto may be enough of a finisher, never used one myself so not sure what kind of edge it gives. One thing I've figured out is the expensive knives sharpen just like the cheaper (within reason) knives. Don't over think it too much. As far as the finish goes your going to get some scratches from sharpening. The synthetic aoto would probably be your best bet for getting an even finish. I think they produce mud like a natural would? Even then, for me at least, it's pretty hard to get it perfect with sharpening stones alone. I don't worry about it too much. As far as recommending stones there are tons of options and plenty of threads with people giving better advice than I can.
Thanks all for your advice. I received and tried out the red aoto. It does leave a misty finish, but does not leave a very fine cutting edge. It does set up the 8k finishing stone well.
Would it make sense to stick with first the 1k, then the synthetic aoto, then finish up with a few light strokes on the 8k. Strop on the leather between sharpenings?

I would first try stop with the sythetic aoto and see how I like the edge and go for the 8k only if the edge would feel too toothy.