Thinning a western chef knife

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I would put money toward calipers, stones, knives, friends, family, charity, the lottery before a loupe or a scope. But some people couldn't do without them. YMMV.
I don't see how a loupe or scope would help all that much. I don't see myself using it that much either. Good to see you here. I figured I would get a little more understanding of thinning knives before attempting it
I'm kinda struggling with the 'why'. Just keep it as your sturdy beater knife and get something else for performance? It's nice to have both types of knives.
A minima some edge work is required as the factory edge simply won't hold. That's why I suggest to convex the bevels. A good occasion to remove the protruding shoulders who don't have any function but are the result of the simplest production method Wüsthof has chosen for. As for further thinning, it will depend on the availability of other, better performers. If it was my only knife I certainly would thin it.
A minima some edge work is required as the factory edge simply won't hold. That's why I suggest to convex the bevels. A good occasion to remove the protruding shoulders who don't have any function but are the result of the simplest production method Wüsthof has chosen for. As for further thinning, it will depend on the availability of other, better performers. If it was my only knife I certainly would thin it.
So I practiced on an old cheap faberware knife I had laying around. Used my shapton pro 220 and didn't turn out too bad. The problem is the stone. After I was done with it I used a 140 diamond plate from chef knives to go as a lapping plate and rinsed and scrubbed the stone before letting it dry over night. When I go to put it away, the side I used feels really smooth now. It's the first time I used it. Is that normal or did I do something wrong? I don't have much money to buy more and more stuff right now. Any solutions?