Media ugliest. knife. ever.

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Interesting how it is designed to allow applying force straight down to the heel without using a pinch or pointer grip (which the spine shape sabotages).
I don't know if it really belongs in this thread, but, what's your take on it?

Using scissors of all kinds for actual food prep isn't that unheard of, though anvil shears usually play a role far far earlier in making the food :)

Doesn't look that useless for getting stuff done .. but since it is really forcing a pure push cut (unless there is some non-obvious mechanism that introduces a bit of a slicing motion), I would expect the cut quality to quickly degrade unless somebody actually sharpens it.

Oh wait, reading the amazon reviews suggest some people have just that problem :)

A "Chef" was doing a promo video for new cookbook and was pimping these. I was the guy off screen doing all the cooking. I almost felt shame.
WOW, Miklbaby and TheLawCat, you're really raising the bar with this entry. Just after "I can't believe what I'm seeing...", keep scrolling down the page but my my eyes would only cooperate about half way through.

Don is really releasing some astonishing designs, I bet they feels as good in the hand as they cut.
This guy was mentioned a ways back... What I want to know is who bought this for $325 and *** were they thinking?

@Mucho Bocho avantgarde scallops, special X50CrMov15.... OK, what happened to me that I would describe these features as retro if anything?
These are pretty interesting.


I think those are Romulan knives from Star Trek. Handle design heavily influenced by Romulan ale. :biggrin:

I wouldn't mind playing with those, hope they have hidden pins in the handle though.
Egad! I thought it was a joke but found it on a post from 2009. The title of the article was "A Kitchen Knife For True Psychos". Hmmm...?
Cool? Ugly? Don't care really. I just know I don't want that thing anywhere near my kitchen - or anywhere else for that matter!
I like that plastic looking carrot murdering device...

Here's one that maybe isn't necessarily "ugly" per se, but offensively homely?

That's plausible. Or it could be another POS dreamed up by a 20 yr old with a marketing degree.

The fastest way to become a millionaire in the food business is to come up with something you can sell as doing the job of a knife. Housewive will throw money at you.
That's plausible. Or it could be another POS dreamed up by a 20 yr old with a marketing degree.

The fastest way to become a millionaire in the food business is to come up with something you can sell as doing the job of a knife. Housewive will throw money at you.

So I can get money from them without having to take off my clothes and dance in front of them while they're drunk? Why didn't anybody tell me this earlier?! :O