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I know someone who eats onions like apples

Must we sully the term person by associating it with an onion muncher?

A tiny amount of raw onions or shallots in something like an egg salad where it’s a supporting actor is fine. I have strong objections to their existence once they become a noticeable taste, such as when people put them on burgers or in salads. They’re as bad as mushrooms in salads.

On that note, for some reason my family loves raw mushrooms in salads. I suspect it’s a penance for their making the grave error of possessing midwestern pedigree a few generations back.
Brussels sprouts are the devil’s testicles. Lucifer’s crucifers. Zool’s jewels. Cthulhu’s Huevoos. Baal’s uhm something.
Now this I can get behind. Raw or cooked....🤮🤮🤮

The only way I could consume was when they were cooked to a mush by my grandma. My mum liked them crunchy.... oh the horror. Inedible.
They make good bones to clean the animal's teeth too

do not even try to make me feel like trying yet another recipe for brussels sprouts...been there done that, and the result invariably is :sick:
Ya’ll must’ve not had sprouts in the last 30 years. They are the best veg now they’ve bred the farts out of them. Like most cruciferous veg, roast them hard until they’re soft. They take well to any number of seasoning but they’re still great with just salt and pepper. Some psychopaths insist on boiling or steaming them, which is just terribly sad the same as broccoli.
hey man I LIVE in Brussels sprouts territory, and I've had them at least once a year to see if I start liking them every year since I was 16 or so and decided I had enough of them.

Sure they now grow sweeter and less bitter varieties, but essentially it's the same stuff...same with Kale....if that is what being vegetarian is about I'll go live on a remote island where I can secretly continue NOT eating that crap.
Butter sautéed brussel sprout leaves with brunoise of crisp smoked bacon is fit for a king as a topping on a steak or a slow cooked carrot there’s been glacéd in the left over butter
Y’all are off base on the Brussels sprouts. Roast at 425 for 20-25 mins until crispy (give them a shake halfway through), and then toss in a mix soy sauce, honey, and sriracha, then back in the oven for 5 minutes—delightful.
Well no. They still taste like Stalin’s diaper.