Uses for gochujang

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Senior Member
May 17, 2015
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I bought it specifically for budae jigae which is awesome but curious to hear some other recommendations for use. I don't BBQ.
you should BBQ.

mix it with vinegar, toasted sesame seeds, honey and shaved scallion as a dipping sauce

leeks, garlic, ginger, ketchup, brown sugar, sesame oil as fried chix sauce
Word I love using ketchup as an ingredient

With regard to BBQ I just lack the space equipment and funds and my diet isn't really protein heavy anyeay
Pork ribs?
I thin out the gochujang with some apple cider vinegar and chicken stock, rub the ribs after I braise them and grill them with the sauce. Great on skirt steak too
Amongst other applications, I use it for fried chicken marinade (brown sugar, soy sauce, gochujang, pureed garlic & ginger and sesame oil).
It works quite well in dishes that call for chinese Doubanjang too (mind the salt level though), you can make a good Mapo Doufu with it.

Bibimbap dishes use it too.

It can be used as a dressing component in several Banchan/Namul.

And you have to admit Budae Jjigae in all its variations is enough reason in itself :)

Obviously, check Aeri's and Maangchi's sites/channels for korean recipes.
My buddy does. His recipe is crazy involved, i.e. Into an earthenware pot, uncovering in the sun each morning and covering in the evening for approximately 9 months. It's unbelievable. I use it on fresh seared scallops and various ssams mostly. I used it in a poaching liquid for halibut collars this summer too. You can think of it like a thick adobo as well in terms of other uses.
Id replace the chili powder with it for a batch of chili. I've never done that but it would be delicious.
ddeokbokki? Make it at least once a week as a snack..
I can't put my hands on the recipe at the moment, but I have used it when roasting sweet potatoes or other root veggies to give them a little spice and balance. Turned out beautifully.