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How bout that reboot eh?

The only thing getting my hopes slightly above zero is that Denis Villeneuve is directing it.

Anyone seen The Lobster? If not, you should.

I found it incredibly tedious, too on the nose regarding social commentary, and for a comedy, not very funny. Though I must admit I like Colin Farrell very much as an actor and he does a fine job as always. I kinda felt bad for him for a long time, as due to his looks, a lot of people just think of him as this "pretty-boy", but he has some serious acting chops.
Dude, you're dissing a Vangelis soundtrack that purposely infused synthesizers into the jazz and classical themes to match the genre of the move! Think about it, total Genius!!!

We're not talking Fast times at Ridgemont High, here! This stuff is timeless!

One of my favorite movies of all time.
The only thing getting my hopes slightly above zero is that Denis Villeneuve is directing it.

I found it incredibly tedious, too on the nose regarding social commentary, and for a comedy, not very funny. Though I must admit I like Colin Farrell very much as an actor and he does a fine job as always. I kinda felt bad for him for a long time, as due to his looks, a lot of people just think of him as this "pretty-boy", but he has some serious acting chops.

Yeah i found it funny in my head but never laghed out loud. Clever is how it felt. I did find the scene where Colin is describing his plan to rachel in "their language" and her fascial reaction priceless.
How bout that reboot eh?

I am actually cautiously optimistic. One of the burning fan questions from the original was whether or not Rick Deckard was, himself, a replicant. They've played off that very well in one of the trailers...

"I'd like to ask you some questions..." (happy fangirl clapping)

I'm hoping for brilliance, but will be satisfied as long as it doesn't suck.

And no, I've never seen the directors cut. The few I've watched had too much "artsy" footage added which just seemed to slow down the story line. This one may be different, but I'm good.
Game of Thrones is back on!!! And new season of Orange Is The New Black... and a new season of House of Cards... so much to watch... so little time.
Good god, the final two episodes of Twin Peaks were intense. Much more impressive than anything I've seen on TV for many years.
Scott Pilgrim vs the world. Guilty pleasure for bonding with me teen when she was home sick.
One of the greatest most underrated movies of all time! It made me buy the soundtracks AND the comic books. The comics were good reading.
It's hard not to enjoy something when you've got a genius friend in the room extolling the virtues of nuances you've missed entirely. I put it in the top 10 greatest sci fy movies of all time.

This is why I stopped hanging around people who are in film school. The garbage I was tricked into watching caused mental damage I am still trying to repair.
limpet What a lot of people miss in todays movies is being invested in a scene and dialouge. I blame psychological studies and the gigantic narcissim of big studio actors for damaging how films are made.

People don't hate artsy films so much as we lost the patience for the way those film scenes are shot.
Can we tell movies are my mindless escape?

The Princess Bride.

"You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means"

We first watched this with the daughter when she was 6 or 7 so she doesn't remember the deep messages the movie conveys. We just had to watch it again with her this weekend.

So much therapy, so little time...
limpet What a lot of people miss in todays movies is being invested in a scene and dialouge. I blame psychological studies and the gigantic narcissim of big studio actors for damaging how films are made.

People don't hate artsy films so much as we lost the patience for the way those film scenes are shot.

Myself I blame the big studios and their system more. They have become completely tone deaf and have tremendous problems creating original content. A lot of reboots, remakes, sequels and various universes. And when a braindead movie bombs in the west, it can still make a lot of money in China when shown as a big, mindless FX spectacle. Everything else gets lost in translation. Of course there are some actors that seems to act like big studios themselves (Tom Cruise comes to mind).

One problem for me is that I've seen A LOT of movies, so if a movie doesn't thrill me, it's easy to start noticing all its flaws, analyzing it and start extrapolating possible endings. That's why I'm fond of a bit unconvential movies that don't feel the need to explain everything.
Watching The 100.

That's what I've been watching as well. Just finished Episode six.

I grew up with the war so I find myself fascinated yet conflicted.
I'm taking it slow. Lots of new information for me especially in the first couple of episodes. The images are very powerful. Johnson. Oh my. Kinda reminds me of someone else
Hahaha, that's great! Even the laughter is similar. B5 was one of the best TV series of the 90s, on par with DS9 if you ask me. Nothing compared to it for the next 10 years, until Battlestar Galactica. Now, with Star Trek Discovery out, we'll see if a new contender is about to arrive. For now, The Expanse is the best contemporary SciFi series out there.
Interesting how even early on some respected leaders thought it was a war that could not be won.

The toll it took on Vietnam is still felt today with the effects of agent orange.
We can thank a wannabe "expert" named Kennan and his horsecrud concept of "containment" and the clueless gullible morons in the WH for Vietnam