Who are currently the best makers for blades and handles

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2011
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Been away from the forum for several years.

If you were to order a custom gyuto today with a high end unusual intricate handle, which makers would be your top 5
For me personally it would be a Tansu, theNine (spelling?), Bloodroot or Tristone.
Your request for "high end unusual intricate handle" makes me think of Bloodroot. They can turn almost anything into a handle and I absolutely love mine... Downside is the wait list is currently 4+ years.

BTW Welcome back its been a long time
Don, Haburn, Tristone, Maumasi, Hazenberg make the most complex handles in my opinion.
Chris Anderson and Din Nguyen come to mind.
Halcyon Forge can make you something real fancy and most of all cuts very damn well up there with the best.
Ian and Mike are among the top for a full set with flawless great handles but there are a lot of options, Maumasi, Cimms, Randy, Mert, Bill, etc... (lots of great makers) and Devin of course.... a lot of makers are pushing the envelope, new materials, inlays, etc. lot to choose from... :angel2:
can you please add more details, first names dont help me look up anyones website
I would also say Michael rader, his handles are the most involved I have seen and his knives cut with the best of my blades. I agree with inzite also tho halcyon forge can make you a very nice blade as well as probably being 50% the cost of some of the others listed above (even less in some cases)
I would also add Marko Tsourkan to the list.
If it's all about the intricate handle then I'd vote for Houston Edge Works, Nora Knives, Michael Rader, Jelle Hazenberg (more for his shapes and faceted contours), and maybe HHH Knives (Randy Haas).
Yeah definitely Randy Haas. Gregg Cimms too.