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I didn't get the chance to read yours but there are a ton of comments pretty much stating how much he wasted and his skills needs some help.
I smell reality TV show !
that skunk was really well behaved.
I can,t believe i just saw a guy wash a skunk, a new high in my book.:tooth:
I watched about 8:30 of it. Sounds like it could possibly be a computer speaking.
That last one was hilarious, the guy sounds a bit Dutch to me. I love how he says "strength" starting with a T
I dunno, I knew a well-to-do kid from Hong Kong and he started speaking English like they taught him in school. It sounded exactly like this.
AAGGGH I can't stop watching it.

Onion pellets.

It weel tasta guuuud.

We need ginger pellets for burdunee. Some would PRE-fair to usa the juice-urrr.

Reminds me of this:

I wonder, do the CCK people go to work and chuckle at videos like this?

How Americans cut fish...

Don't ask, don't make nasty comments, just watch, enjoy, and be grateful for the knowledge, tools and skills you have.


Wow you know how many people I could feed with a fish that size? And how many different dishes? Good lord! That was a huge fish and he butchered it all away!

Scraping soap from your freshly shaved face with a dull cleaver =

I find it amazing that this guy is actually an official representative of this company.
I find it amazing that this guy is actually an official representative of this company.

Thought the same thing. Maybe he just works there as a janitor or something and he thought he could get a leg up if he started making videos trying to push the line.
Speaking of which...

I love the part where he talks about cutting himself "real bad" because the "other" knife didn't allow proper grip, and he then proceeds to demo his preferred grip w/ his thumb on the spine... :slaphead:

Comedy. That was the best they could do. Maybe it's hard to find someone willing to rep knuckle sandwich knives.
:lol2::laughat:But it has flames on the sides a true mark of quality .
I can not really decide if his stone is crap, skills or knife :yammer:

The usual option on multiple choice question.

EDITED. spoke too soon ... you tortured me Maxim. After skipping and hopping like a kangaroo on my part, don't think the stone is too crap, nor the knife is too bad.
This is too much comedy. I'm sure Maxim is familiar, but the battles of Ken have been fairly legendary (in their volume at least, if not their value). To see him now pushing hand sharpening on naturals after the fights with kcma and dave on behalf of jigs is hilarious. I don't know if KC is a member here, and Dave may be too polite to respond, but it's probably best to ignore him ignore unless you have money to spend. He's a promoter.
Yup. His finish on knives, single bevel in particular, is legendary. My pocket money is tied to maxim's stock ... not a lot left nowadays lol.
The finish was kind of crapy before and after. And bevel was very uneven. So i dont see what he want to prove in that video . I will be kind of embarrassed to show of that finish :O

I dont say its bad to have that finish, Knife is maybe sharp that is what most important. But he wanted to show Jnat finish. And that fail big time
I can not really decide if his stone is crap, skills or knife :yammer:


Anyone else see how big and low that hollow is? Could also be a pressure problem, since his fingers never are over that spot. But that spot looks problematic.
I would like to see that video songified. It could help to unlock its potential.
Example below.
