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"You're just handed this plate and your meal is there for you."

Profound stuff.

Also, that brisket must be bland as hell. No seasoning at all, not even salt. And it's sliced with the grain. Terrible.
The Knife Wizard, I'm calling you out!

Flooding Youtube with bad comparison videos which are mostly misleading. He also overlooks the profiles of knives when comparing them.

My favorite quotes (surrounding Miyabi knives):

-"They're both completely and totally hand made" - O' really?
-"The cutting core is VG10, it is the gold standard in knife making, especially Japanese knives" - The secret is out!
-"They're hand sharpened over a three stage process" - Yet to confirm, but I have my doubts..
-"It gives you this really nice wave design you see towards the bottom" - Oh, that's what that is!
-"SG2 steel is extremely hard .... that means if you use the knife properly, realistically speaking you're probably never going to need to sharpen it" - A knife that never needs to be sharpened? Sign me up!

Then there's his Shun videos. :lol2:

Perhaps not knuckleheads for real, but...

Perhaps not knuckleheads for real, but...


Oh my gracious, I need one of those baseball caps for sure...:pirate1:
I've tried some dumb ass **** in the name of knife sharpening research but this makes my skin crawl - Good Lord!

I love how quickly he cuts off the sharpness demonstration as he tears the tip through printer paper.
Thought process:

0:56 "Oh, one of the thinner kiwis*, that usually identifies someone with a taste for comparatively sharp knives and light handed...."

1:03 ".....technique?!!!!"

*cheap, 14 dps on 420J2, thai household knives that are surprisingly good if you treat them exactly NOT as demonstrated here".
What is wrong? These thai things still outclass a lot of what you find in the average western home, of course we know far better edges here...
Life, I type slow, we were basically typing at the same time. My comments concerned the video, the "oh that's so wrong my eyes hurt" video, that Damage posted.

Not your detailed critique of the video.

So sorry if I raised your ire, but I was addressing the other wienie. :angel2:
No Ire, just confusion :)

An I cannot write a detailed critique, haven't found the dip recipe yet, watched through an improvised casserole recipe and then the video ended ... must be a video editing mistake...
I don't look for it. It comes to me.

Undecided what to think of the one (usually have nothing but respect for Davy) episode where a whole ice cream tub (chocolate chip no less), straight out of the freezer, is sliced through with a Miyabi... I would normally assume that is something on the far end of the "when to use a beater knife" scale (there could be ice crystals, there are super tough (plastic reinforced cardboard) and hard (chocolate chips) elements that could put nasty shear stress on the edge when there is even a slight twist) ?
Undecided what to think of the one (usually have nothing but respect for Davy) episode where a whole ice cream tub (chocolate chip no less), straight out of the freezer, is sliced through with a Miyabi... I would normally assume that is something on the far end of the "when to use a beater knife" scale (there could be ice crystals, there are super tough (plastic reinforced cardboard) and hard (chocolate chips) elements that could put nasty shear stress on the edge when there is even a slight twist) ?

Miyabi's aren't considered beaters...?🤔
Good explanation at 1:23

Looks fun to clean.

I couldn't even watch that Krabby Pattie kid, his shrieking hurts my ears too much.