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  1. MSicardCutlery

    WTS MSicardCutlery 240mm 26c3 KS Style Gyuto

    Hello All, I don't think I've ever put out a non honyaki, monosteel 26c3 gyuto before, but today I have one such. This was an experimental knife in a few ways. The fist is that it features a forged blade as opposed to stock removal. I wanted to see if I could manipulate the banding in...
  2. MSicardCutlery

    SOLD 245mm 26c3 Sabatier Style Chef Knife

    Hello all, Here's an interesting one. This blade was destined to be a custom honyaki, but the first quench produced a hamon too close to the edge, and a second created none at all, with the exception of a couple patches up by the neck...but something else was left behind without my knowing it...