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  1. eternal689

    WTS Carter Nakiri, Halcyon

    I'm looking to sell some knives that never make it into my rotation. I can provide more pictures on request. All knives have been used between 3-5 times (The Carter has been used closer to 30 times) and lightly sharpened. All are great but haven't made it into more normal rotation and thus are...
  2. M

    WTS Carter Nikiri Supersteel

    Carter Nikiri, 160mm, S stamp, blue Hitachi supersteel. Right handed bias double D custom handle using maple burl with stabilized black coral bolsters and polished aluminum and brass spacers. Asking $600 shipped via USPS priority mail in Continental US, actual shipping for ROW.
  3. M

    WTS Carter Funayuki 165mm, blue supersteel

    Carter Funayuki 165mm, S stamp, hitachi blue supersteel. Custom double D shaped handle using red coral and black maple with copper spacers. Asking $525. Delivered via USPS priority mail to continental USA, actual.shipping cost for ROW.