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  1. e30Birdy

    SOLD Spare Damascus 270 Integral

    Catch and release Got this beautiful gyuto from @preizzo last week. SOLD - Spare integral gyuto In house made Damascus 26c3/15n20 and handle is a piece of walnut burl 270 mm length 56 mm Height 5 mm Spine thickness 264 grams While in transit to myself I was offered a unicorn of mine and made...
  2. SimenTh

    SOLD BIG PRICE DROP - Adonis Forged Arts integral sujihiki Apex Ultra 309*39

    Hi KKF! Parting with an amazing piece at a fantastic price. Backstory: Antoine of Adonis Forged Arts was feeling very charitable one morning, offering a commisioned sujihiki that had a minor cosmetic flaw (now not visible after grinding/etching). After signing up to wanting to buy at more than...
  3. D

    Traded Lisch 245mm integral damascus gyuto

    Hi KKF, I am offering my David Lisch integral damascus gyuto. The craftsmanship on this knife is the best I’ve seen. It’s hard to describe how perfectly hammered the bolster is and how seamless the damascus fits into the handle. Those are hard to come by — I’m offering this because I received...