well? how are your tomatoes doing?

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Senior Member
Feb 1, 2013
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mine..meh. i lost a Cherokee tomato plant to some thing mysterious. maybe a burrowing rodent.

the rest are okay. i am getting alot of that sunburn thing going. today, i am making fish tacos for the wife..so i need a salsa or pico de gallo. fresh tomatoes and jalapenos from the garden!!

best thing about summer are fresh produce and long days. other than that, i hate summer.

how are your fruit hanging?!!

Slicing tomatoes are approaching walnut size, some of the cherry tomatoes are almost big enough to start coloring up pretty soon.
I got nothing on the vine yet....it was a long winter...
There is about 10 green heirlooms on the plants here at my house. My black tomatoes havent even started budding up yet. Its a bummer!
Long winter - cold spring here. Some cherries are getting close and a few heirlooms the size of cherries but most plants don't have anything yet. I am hoping those and the cukes take off while I am on vacation.
There is about 10 green heirlooms on the plants here at my house. My black tomatoes havent even started budding up yet. Its a bummer!

I need to get myself some heirloom seeds...I love me some heirlooms so cool looking in all the different colors and shapes...and I live in NJ supposedly the best state for tomatoes
and when you do have heirlooms you can save the seeds and you're good for the rest of your life. pick the ones that grow well and you're golden.
We're getting there. Some greenies so far.
My mother bought a few boxes this weekend. They turned into this

The ones I am growing will be ready in a week or two.
Front yard herb and veg garden. It's my first time gardening and it's been a whole lot of fun.

I was given one plant and I have two tomatoes that are almost ripe. In general I no longer grow tomatoes. My farmers markets do a lot better job, and I focus on stuff that I can't get at the markets. Once I have a huge as.s garden that may change, but for not that is the case. With that said, my daughter and her kid friend neighbor plant stuff and have some tomato plants growing. No fruit now -- and they may never come to fruit.

My plant (the only one that has come up yet) is about three inches tall.

Gardening in Canada kinda stinks. Next year I won't bother with seeds, the growing season just isn't long enough. If only I had a good spot to start them indoors.

Oh well, at least the basil is doing well. Less tomato sauce, more pesto I guess.
My plant (the only one that has come up yet) is about three inches tall.

Gardening in Canada kinda stinks. Next year I won't bother with seeds, the growing season just isn't long enough. If only I had a good spot to start them indoors.

Oh well, at least the basil is doing well. Less tomato sauce, more pesto I guess.

In the 6 hours that followed this post, my garden got 125 mm of rain, which translates to just under 5 inches for you Yanks. It was already too wet this spring, I think pretty much everything is struggling with being over watered.

Other than the basil. Man does my basil ever love water.
Mine are already finished, and it was my worst crop in years. Cool spring, then just when they should have had their best production in May/June, it got too hot. Mrrrph.

My heirlooms had fruit about a week ago. The beefmasters just popped yesterday.
In the 6 hours that followed this post, my garden got 125 mm of rain, which translates to just under 5 inches for you Yanks.
We understand it:

"halfway in between a nice parer and a useful petty"

Our basil is going nuts, as is the cilantro, parsley and arugula. But our tomatoes are doing poorly; combination of a late start + the soil mix we put into the new boxes is not all it should be. If we are lucky we'll have a crop in mid-August. Peppers are struggling as well.

Our next door neighbor's tomato plants are going great. He planted about 3 weeks earlier then we were able to, and his soil is primo. His crop is going to all hit at once, in about 1-2 weeks. We worked out an arrangement where he will share his July tomatoes with us, and we will share our August tomatoes.

Usually I'm making salsa a couple nights a week by this time of year. My nakiri is really upset with me.
Mine is really growing well so far. The cherry toms are starting to turn red, ate a few already that beat the rest to red. Have some beefsteak and san marzano that are ready and sitting on my counter. More will be ready soon. We have sandy soil in NJ near the shore, the tomatoes love it as long as I give them plenty of water. I don't think I can over water them with our soil. I would guess I have about 80-90 tomatoes growing now, not including the cherry ones. I expect about 400-500 by the end of the growing season if there are no issues with critters or disease.
Some of the cherry tomatoes look like they're thinking about turning...

i'm off to the races..racing with my squirrels to get to my harvest first.

making shrimp cocktail tonight (mexican version)

starting with some heirloom version i've long since forgotten the name of...

I picked two cherries and one orange sun gold last night. First ones are always the best. Starting slow but hoping for a great finish. Picked the only pepper that is growing so not sure how those are going to end up. Plants are still really low. Should have cukes by Sunday.
Picked the first Sungolds last night. Should have let them go another day, but couldn't wait anymore. They were really, really sweet.


More are on the way, and the cherry romas are starting to color up!
i jarred all my Romas last night. still having issues with cramming enough of them in the jar so i dont get that watery dead space. they shrink while in the water bath.

tonight, i am making tomato jam!! i have so many sweet heirlooms. dont want to waste them.
Got 3 plants, they are very big with loads of flowers and some green tomatoes. i don't think i can get many before the frost. i started very late :(

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