Weight loss support group?

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Das HandleMeister
Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
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So, I clearly need to lose weight, I am carrying the weight of about one extra person in fat with me every day and things get annoyingly tiring. Things like walking up stairs, tying my shoes etc. And as the old saying goes: 'Misery loves company', so I was wondering if anybody here wants to start a weight loss effort with me. There are other support groups out there, but I thought I might as well ask here first.

I don't want to turn this into a hard competition because there is plenty of evidence that a slower but consistent weight loss is easier to maintain, extreme diets don't work well long term, and I just assume that we all love to eat too much to start giving up everything we love. Personally, I was thinking about the online Weight Watchers approach which is quite flexible and doable if you start with realistic expectations. At the same time I want to pay more attention to the organic/local/seasonal idea that has slipped a bit in the past hear. I know, exercise should also be part of that, but I am still in a motivational struggle about that...

My hope would be that by setting some goals and talking about them here my commitment would be stronger, we could virtually kick each other's behinds or offer encouragement and, on a practical level, me might even point each other to healthier things to eat - hoping that maybe even a few of the pros occasionally help out with tips.

So, anybody up for this?


P.S. not sure if this is too off-topic for this forum. If so, please let me know.
i just started going to the gym again... trying to loose about 20 lbs... i'm game
I'm game too. I want to loose 30, and just started a same thing with my lady, who wants to loose some too. So I guess this is a +2
for what its worth, i have very little control over my diet, so i have to make up for everything in workouts ;)

Gym 3x per week and personal trainer from time to time... i couldnt believe how out of shape i was the first day (its only been 2 weeks)
Try adding quinoa to your diet. I eat it instead of eating rice every meal like most Asians do. You stay fuller for longer periods of time and it's a great source of protein. And of course eat more veges and fruits and stay away from processed food that has corn products in it.
I'm down, Stefan! I am the definition of a roller coaster in terms of weight, I was 75lbs lighter three years ago. I need to get back into it but I have problems... I love food and I love to eat!
:rofl2:We used to have weight war bets usually after the holidays at work cooks easy to gain weight.Stephan next time you come to eat I'll stop at the salad coarse:running:
Try adding quinoa to your diet. I eat it instead of eating rice every meal like most Asians do. You stay fuller for longer periods of time and it's a great source of protein. And of course eat more veges and fruits and stay away from processed food that has corn products in it.

Pretty good advice. As you know I was a nutritionist in a previous life. Start off with small achievable goals and build on them. I am confident in you!
I would love to talk training and exercise...... I have lost 45 pounds don't think I really can lose anymore.... I do believe it's 70 percent diet 30 percent exercise..... I wih you all the luck!!!
I've lost 53 pounds since January 1st. The first 20 were from January to May 1st, the next 33 were May 1st to August 1st. Still have about 13 to go, but they're "optional" pounds I don't really need to lose, and that makes motivation a bit harder. So I'm definitely in for some encouragement.
I'm working on moving toward a mostly plant-based diet of fruits, vegetables, whole-greans, and legumes. And exercise more regularly as well. Signed up for a 10-miler to help me focus!

That's the way to lose weight for sure
I just read a column of joke diets, and one that is no joke is the chewing diet. You chew each bite at least 50 times. It slows you down, makes the food more digestible, and gives your stomach more time to tell your brain that you have in fact eaten!
When I retired about eight years ago I weighed 185. Then I was diagonosed with a pre diabetic condition. I went on what I call the "C" diet. No cookies, cakes, candies. And I learned the difference between good carbs and bad. Now I'm 157 and I've been that way for some time. Sure I exercise three or four times a week also, but I think it's keeping the sugars and carbs to a minimum that really takes the pounds off. Good luck Stefan. Weight loss is the best investment anyone can make.
I could do with losing a little weight but being a Chef, I find it very hard to improve my diet. It's not that I eat a load of really unhealthy stuff, it's that I have to eat things that are really fast so generally aren't exactly super healthy either. I eat a huge amount of white bread and I am going to try cutting that out and see if I lose any weight. No matter what I do with my diet, it seems to make no difference but hopefully this will

In terms of exercise, I am a big believer in bodyweight exercises. They aren't exactly trendy but they definitely work, I absolutely detest the gym so I'll give them a go again as well
I could do with losing a little weight but being a Chef, I find it very hard to improve my diet. It's not that I eat a load of really unhealthy stuff, it's that I have to eat things that are really fast so generally aren't exactly super healthy either. I eat a huge amount of white bread and I am going to try cutting that out and see if I lose any weight. No matter what I do with my diet, it seems to make no difference but hopefully this will

In terms of exercise, I am a big believer in bodyweight exercises. They aren't exactly trendy but they definitely work, I absolutely detest the gym so I'll give them a go again as well

Cutting out white bread will certainly help. Processed foods are bad, especially processed carbs. Not everyone realizes that the body turns carbs into sugar. And white bread is at the top of the bad list of carbs. Try dark breads like pumpernickel if you need to eat bread, they're much better for you.

You might want to look into TLS. I am not a shill, just a happy successful customer. I lost 39 pounds in 12 weeks this past Spring under the supervision/coaching of a PhD Chemist/Nutritionist and have kept it off since May. My wife lost 35 pounds. It is a low-glycemic plan with heavy emphasis on fresh veggies, fruit, and lean meat. Minimal processed carbs. It is a structured program which is survivable. I would be happy to answer questions or make an introduction if you are interested. In am getting ready for another cycle to knock off another 20 before Thanksgiving. -Doug
Cutting out white bread will certainly help. Processed foods are bad, especially processed carbs. Not everyone realizes that the body turns carbs into sugar. And white bread is at the top of the bad list of carbs. Try dark breads like pumpernickel if you need to eat bread, they're much better for you.

Yeah that's pretty helpful Sir, I am far from an expert in this field. I tried couscous a while ago and didn't really like it so I'll try brown bread instead. No matter what I've changed with my diet, the bread has remained so I'll change it

The timing of this thread is interesting because a man from my hometown recently won a National award for slimming. He lost 17 stone in a year and a half. Here's a video about him.
I just read a column of joke diets, and one that is no joke is the chewing diet. You chew each bite at least 50 times. It slows you down, makes the food more digestible, and gives your stomach more time to tell your brain that you have in fact eaten!

That is really good advice.Just chewing food enjoying the flavors,slowing the pace instead of wolfing it down.Fresh fruits & vegetables,cut out sugar & processed foods amap.Whole grains,brown rice,baked potatoes,beans,black eyed peas are full of nutrition,if you are exercising to help lose weight you need some complex carbo's to fuel your muscles.No Soda at all.Eat Fish.

I put seven green tea bags in a gallon glass jar & put it in the sun.Sun tea makes good ice tea.I go through a gallon every 2 or 3 days.I used to put some sugar,now none I actually like it better without,just ice & a slice of lime.

I won a few weight wars doing the above & riding my bike up mountains,I just can't stick wt. it,I like my butter & Hops Beer.:beer:
i work many long 14-15 hour days in the kitchen. i just dont have the time to hit a gym before or after shifts like that. so what i like to do instead is push up sets, just outside behind the restuarant. usually sets of 40 or 50. in a long day i can get in maybe 5 sets. along with other simple movements like planks, free squats. usually this stuff can just take 2-3 minutes to do. about the time the other cooks use for smoke breaks. its better than nothing, and pushups are good workout to have in between gym visits.
From January to March, I survived on vegetable-fruit smoothies, yogurt, egg whites, chicken breast and one daily junk food snack (cookie, candy, cake) and made it a point to burn about 300 Cal worth either on a bike or jogging 5 out of 6 days. (~30 min). I went from close to 180 ~25% body fat down to about 160 ~13% body fat. Since then I've started eating more normally (in terms of junk food and low value carbs like pasta, potatoes, bread, etc), counting my calories loosely and exercising a bit more and currently stand at 154 ~11 % body fat. I count calories using an app on my iphone called MyFitnessPal. No gimmicks, no special workouts. Just dogged determination.
TK......What are you using to measure your body fat. I really want to know what mine is.
Looks like there are a few of us interested, and some great tips already. Maybe just as a info about myself, a long time ago I lead weight loss groups and I did my dissertation on eating behavior, so I know quite a bit about it. But I have struggled with my own weight all my life myself. For a moment I was thinking about starting with an intensive program like a low calorie diet (Optifast etc) but it's just not the right time for that right now. So I rather want to get back to healthier eating overall and to a more balanced diet.

I will clean out a few things from my fridge and stock up on others, and then get started with the weight watchers online tool. I have used that before with reasonable success. I am sure there are others, and their point system needs some getting used to, but I find it better to use something that gives me a framework but more freedom in the details. My biggest problem is portion control anyway, my nutrition per se is not horrible, I just eat too much of everything.

As for exercise, at this time I am so unfit that I have to start slowly, maybe with increasingly extended walks around the block. In a couple of weeks, I will try to walk to work occasionally. That's about 30min one way and should not be a big deal, but right now I would get there sweaty and panting.

I probably should get a scale also, I'll see what I find.

So since we're talking about loosing weight....I work from mid morning till anywhere between 8 to 10.....I can eat breakfast at home....I leave for for at 10 o'clock.....and I get a lunch break anywhere between 1 and around 3.....I get about twenty minutes....I struggle with eating too much in the early morning and late at night cause I'm starving sometimes when I get home.....there is no way I can eat small snacks at work.....any advice on eating on a weird schedule....I feel like I'll never loose weight eating two big meals...I prefer to eat smaller meals thru the day but its not possible for me.....ryan
I can tend to loose some tonnage as well. I did a tour with the Canadian Forces. I joined after college. I was 6'4" and 175 lbs with a 34" waist. When I got out of the military, I was 275 lbs, and still had a 34" waist. Since then, time, gravity, and less activity allowed me to contract Furniture Disease. My chest fell into my drawers! So I have 30 to 40 pounds I would be happy shedding. I will say I'm in, but time and cheesecake may win!!
One of my friends points out in his presentations that the couch is one of the biggest killers of our time, I like the term 'furniture disease', may have to add that to my repertoire. :) Research-based fact is that cutting calories is the most important part in losing weight, much more important than exercise. However, without regular exercise, chances are slim to non-existent to maintain your lowered weight. So, getting into that routine as early as possible is a good idea.

TK......What are you using to measure your body fat. I really want to know what mine is.
I average my scale at home (Taylor, electrical impedance), the one at the local drugstore (also electrical impedance but you grip the electrodes rather than stand on them) and a couple of different caliper methods. It's going to be an estimate and different methods are calibrated differently and may not be a great fit to you, personally. There's no real great way to get your body comp. so I just measure it same four ways and try to be consistent. Over time, the trends are really the more meaningful data to look at.