KKF Cookbook

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Feb 28, 2011
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After browsing the "What's Cooking" thread and drooling repeatedly, it seems like we've got a wealth of talented cooks here. Would anyone be interested in assembling a KKF cookbook? Nothing too official, just dishes we like with pictures, ingredient lists and rough proportions (unless a pro wants to volunteer space as a test kitchen). We could print them and sell them at cost to members.

The organization would be interesting. One would either have to break it down by cook's style (BBQ, mexican, contemporary american, etc) or, if it were even possible, organize it by knife type/style (cleaver section, yanagi section, etc).
Definitely a knife heavy cookbook with lots of pictures would be cool.
Sounds great. With Blurb and some of the other sites, it's pretty easy to put together a book and print it for a reasonable price. And the picture quality is more then adequate, assuming the pics are tweaked with Photoshop, etc.

Of course all the recipes will probably start like this:

"Step 1: Remove 1200 grit stone from soaking tub and set on sink bridge or damp paper towel placed on counter top"
Oo yeah a small box on every page with each cooks' sharpening progression and the knife they used! This could be so badass!
Yeah that's what I was thinking--each recipe gets two pages, one for the recipe and photos of the process/finished dish, the other with knife information pertinent to the techniques used in the dish (sharpening to achieve a specific effect, types of cuts, that sort of thing). We could organize it a few different ways.
LOL just what my wife needs me to get :p Another cookbook LOL

Count me in :)
The classic Swedish starter, Toast Skagen:
Shrimps, peel them yourself or buy handpeeled
Mix, should be quite steady and not runny at all

White bread, cut the crust of, butter, pan, make it golden.
Add Skagen, enjoy.

A little piece of heaven
Anyone want to Spearhead this thing? Blurb sounds like a good idea, not too expensive either.
I have been following this post. I certainly want to buy a copy if this gets off the ground, and now I have to make some Skagen this week. Thanks for the recipe.
+1 on buying a copy. Cool Idea. The gyuto section could be it's own book.
I'm interested in the cleaver section. Who will break out and do a Chen impression? (I hope that is the right guy.)
I have been following this post. I certainly want to buy a copy if this gets off the ground, and now I have to make some Skagen this week. Thanks for the recipe.

Good luck with it, you can also add some roe to it to make it a bit nicer. And don't add too much horseradish, just enough to get a bit of sting, but you'll taste your way there
I'll do it, but it will take me a little while to give it any attention. Dissertation is due next week.

great! i'd definitely buy a copy. i have some recipes i'd be happy to contribute, along with knife info. perhaps we should limit each person to a certain amount of recipes, for brevity, if this becomes a physical product.
Edipis and others,

My initial thought was 1-2 recipes per contributor. For both manageability and cost control I think we should aim to keep it to about 50 recipes with accompanying knife information. When all the pieces are compiled along with some interspersed extra pages on knife types, etc, I would think somewhere in the 120 pages range would work best, but I need to check costs. This will only be as good as the stuff we can compile, as I truly want to crowdsource it. Every contributor will be responsible for his/her own recipe information and photos of both the knife in action and the final dish. My first step will be to hit up everyone who has responded affirmatively in this thread for a contribution as well as pressuring a couple of people with cool knives/techniques to contribute. Then we will see what gaps remain to be filled.
Love this idea. I had thought about a history of japanese knives for this group, but this could be much more practical (anyone have a pic of a shig made in 1924? - just asking). Maybe a subforum to talk about how this could work, its focus, organization, etc. Could be fun. There is no doubt there is a lot of talent on this forum.
This is a very cool idea and I would certainly be interested in contributing! (And heck if not that then definitely buying a copy if it gets off the ground!)
I have some ideas or fun things to try. But it involves people who are interested in having their names in the book post there 2 favourite recipes!

so post recipes away.
I think this sounds like fun, and I'd love to contribute. Though I must say that I feel a bit inadequate around such amazing talent. That being said, even if none of my recipes make it, I'd still be up for buying a copy.
I was thinking.

1.We should have a min post count for contributions (or maybe small donation so nothing comes out of anyone's pocket?)
2. We should choose an average serving size (4-12) because right now, when I make; say herb butter, I will use 30lbs of butter to make it.
3. Maybe Dave or Jon can write a sharpening chapter and rough stone/knife selection, Salty, Duckfat and other well seasoned pro's could do something on knife skills, Son with refurbs and a few with re-handles.

Edit: Distinct possibility that this could be published if taken seriously and done right, Just need an alias for KKF: Chef_____. Giovanni maybe?