California Foie gras ban

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Yeah. They don't confine them but they probably do a lot of dying slowly in agony from traps or poison. How about fish? Do fish not suffer? Whatever it is you're eating, I bet there is something there. Even a dog is confined in some way or another. Is that nice? How about dog food? Even the nicest dog food ain't that great. If you don't feed your dog lean, raw meat every day, maybe you're abusing it, no?

I invite you to my house to see how my dog is treated. PM me for my address.
The relationship of dog to human is entirely different than that of cows, geese or catfish. Dogs are not bred as a food supply. Food animal breeding is determined by market demand and the animals are at the very least 'taken care of' or they wouldn't fetch dollar one at sale.

Dogs, on the other hand, are bred as pets, and far too many of them wind up leading brutally harsh existences once their 'owners' decide that they are no longer useful or wanted and are summarily abandoned or given up to shelters.

Take a long look into the eyes of a steer munching away, blissfully unaware of his fate and then into the eyes of an abused dog desperately trying to figure out what went wrong and tell me which one has suffered more.

Screw the damn geese....if we don't eat 'em they'll just wind up crapping all over your lawn.
Well prepared foie is never out of style.

You can prepare it anyway you want and it still going to be a LIVER..............and caviar tastes like fish eggs.......and escargot tastes like snails!!:knife: You were I am going with this:D
You can prepare it anyway you want and it still going to be a LIVER..............and caviar tastes like fish eggs.......and escargot tastes like snails!!:knife: You were I am going with this:D

You make magnificent knives, but I don't know if I'd ever want you to cook for me. Tell you what, you supply the knives and I'll make you an outstanding dinner with foie, escargot, caviar and whatever else you want. I'll leave with the knives and you'll leave with a beatific smile. this instance someone gives them the opportunity to gorge on stress free food multiple times a day...

Where do I get in line?

Uh, scratch that... sounds like a school/prison cafeteria.

I wonder why our children are dying of obesity-induced fatty liver caused by McDonalds, Sponge Bob and lazy parents. Yet we have to force-feed ducks? Just give them what we're having!
I invite you to my house to see how my dog is treated. PM me for my address.
Thank you for the invitation. I just might take you up on that sometime. Regardless, it really isn't about you or your dog or foie gras, for that matter. I'm just saying that there is probably someone out there who disagrees with how you are doing something and would like to keep you from doing it that way, whether it's what you eat, how you raise your kids, what kind of car you should be allowed to drive, where you can engage in various activities, etc., etc. You have to draw the line somewhere.
Thank you for the invitation. I just might take you up on that sometime. Regardless, it really isn't about you or your dog or foie gras, for that matter. I'm just saying that there is probably someone out there who disagrees with how you are doing something and would like to keep you from doing it that way, whether it's what you eat, how you raise your kids, what kind of car you should be allowed to drive, where you can engage in various activities, etc., etc. You have to draw the line somewhere.

There are limits on all the things you mentioned, what you eat, how you raise your kids, what kind of car you should be allowed to drive, and where you can engage in various activities. Personally I think 'what could be next' is an unsophisticated argument. Deal with each issue individually.
There are limits on all the things you mentioned, what you eat, how you raise your kids, what kind of car you should be allowed to drive, and where you can engage in various activities. Personally I think 'what could be next' is an unsophisticated argument. Deal with each issue individually.
Limits: The point is who gets to set them for you. Anyway, this is obviously a political argument. I'm not sure why you mods are participating in it or even allowing it to continue.
Limits: The point is who gets to set them for you. Anyway, this is obviously a political argument. I'm not sure why you mods are participating in it or even allowing it to continue.

Why wouldn't they? The best moderation is as little as possible. If the knives come out, we'll all just remark how pretty they are and carry on with our days.
Foie Gras is one of those things I keep meaning to learn more about to decide if I'm comfortable eating it. I mean I know the general argument about force-feeding and living conditions, but I don't know anything beyond that. One of these days I'll read a good article or book or something about it.

The arguments for eating them always ring awfully hollow to me. Usually something along the lines of "Other animals get abused, why should these be any different?" There's no logical connection between some jerk somewhere beating his dog and it being OK for someone else to torture a goose so you can eat it. The treatment of the dog or the chickens or any other animal has no bearing on the morality of eating the particular item on your plate, be it foie gras or a McChicken. If this animal is treated so badly that it isn't right to eat it, but other animals are treated worse, to me that's an argument for helping the other animals, not ignoring this one.
The foie I use is sourced from a farm that IMO is humane:

They have a video on the web site and invite outsiders to view their feeding methods. There are other videos that aren't put out by the farm itself.

Others' may not like any type of force feeding, but I'm comfortable with Hudson Valley. I didn't read the article about CA, but IIRC, they use a similar method. It's quick and appears to cause no real distress to the birds.
Of all the chefs who have made statements about this, the best statement, in my opinion, was made by Michael Chiarello. He's quoted as follows:

"I've also walked into a chicken farm where a million chicks are dead because some idiot mixed the chemical wrong in their feed. A million chicks dead in one fell swoop. The point is not foie gras, the point is boneless skinless f***ing chicken breast." (Asterisks added.)
I have watched a number of TED talks (on video), and generally conclude it was time well spent.

Thanks for the link.
Fun and inspiring video. Anyone know who the farmer is and where to get his stuff? My guess it's near impossible to buy and it costs a fortune, anyway.

Dan Barber may be a "nerdy chef" but he's a well respected very smart guy with New York Times 3 star and Michelin caliber cooking chops. If he wants to swear off foie gras unless it's from Eduardo, fine. Me, I'll gladly settle for the $75/lobe stuff I get at cost from a French chef here in Philly.
Of all the chefs who have made statements about this, the best statement, in my opinion, was made by Michael Chiarello. He's quoted as follows:

"I've also walked into a chicken farm where a million chicks are dead because some idiot mixed the chemical wrong in their feed. A million chicks dead in one fell swoop. The point is not foie gras, the point is boneless skinless f***ing chicken breast." (Asterisks added.)

Of all the chefs who have made statements about this, the best statement, in my opinion, was made by Michael Chiarello. He's quoted as follows:

"I've also walked into a chicken farm where a million chicks are dead because some idiot mixed the chemical wrong in their feed. A million chicks dead in one fell swoop. The point is not foie gras, the point is boneless skinless f***ing chicken breast." (Asterisks added.)

Why does a million dead chicks make it ok to abuse a duck?
Craig is right. I say we start a movement, right here, right now:


Enough of quacking the quack, let's waddle the waddle all you lucky duck lovers!
I am really glad that Chicago overturned their ban on foie. There's just something so decadent and delicious about foie and brioche served together with some sort of sweet chutney.