Forged Jam spoons!

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Senior Member
Jul 9, 2011
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I had a little play time today and forged some jam spoons. These were all done with my sharpest fullers in the power hammer...from 8mm stock:D
The stem is forged to about 3mm on the diamond showing texture from the fullers. The spoon is spread with the same tools, one with a round splat for your thumb to rest in the other with a thistle shape thumb groove.
These two were for practice in mild steel. I will do some in 304 stainless if anyone thinks its a good idea. I think the texture will come out crisper in stainless. I only rough cleaned these and polished. I'll try a stainless one, and give it a good pickle to clean it and mirror polish.








What do you think?
VERY cool looking! No use to me but I like the crazy design!

PS: your hands could tell enough stories to fill a book!
Thanks, its a bit of fun. I wouldn't serve breakfast with my hands like that btw:laugh:
Yes sir the grass is always green in herefordshire:D Bit of snow about but not allot. But what about the Jam spoons, too wacky for you? Jam spoons are by tradition a little wacky. Think i need to shrink them down a bit though. Will be a good stainless forging exercise anyway.
very cool, never seen anything like this before. I like it and would buy one, toast with different jams is a favorite in my house.
I don't know if I want one (I have too many things in my kitchen drawers as is), but it certainly is unique and cool.
Well I'll try some in stainless and see what happens, I've ordered some 8mm and 6mm 304, the 6mm should be extra good for developing ninja power hammer skills. I've been scooping some Jam with the test pieces and my thoughts are, they are overly long. I think they will look better even finer and more compact, the scoop on one is too small the other too large so somewhere in between with more of a flat section to the side of the scoop for really sticky stuff that gets stuck on the sides. And a bit more dishing to the scoop. I'll have more of a play and see what happens. :biggrin:
Johnny if I made one with a little curly bit at the top so you can hang it up you would be fresh out of excuses.:laugh:
OOo now that would be a cool challenge to forge. I'm hoping with the stainless using the power hammer I can forge at dull heats to avoid scale and pitting, I'll try for a clean texture look, we will see it will likely come down to choice of stainless, some only likes to be forged very hot. If I can't get the effect I want i'll go on the hunt for some forging grade aluminum bronze, that stuff moves like butter at a dull heat and ages a very pretty golden color. If you can find it!!
Its funny how sometimes I even need a fun distraction from my fun distractions.:laugh:
Those are cool spoons. The nice thing is it gets me thinking about other small spreading/scooping things that I absolutely need in my life ;)

Thanks K. Spoons are fun. From my testing I think I need to develop a special spoon just for chocolate spread, would that be taking it too far.:laugh:
Knowing my wife, I need one for whipped honey, one for hummus, one for nutella, and one for nut butter.
Many many spoons:D Does any one else use a teaspoon to pop in the top of a bottle of Fizz while your not drinking it, keeps it fizzy. I've never noticed as it always get drunk:laugh: My girl friend pointed it out. So maybe a Champers spoon could be a good excuse for something sculptural too.:idea2:
Well something did spin out of this. This one needs a good long pickle yet to get any last bit of scale off, then a full polish.
But here is a custom cocktail stirrer, a test piece really for a certain person who is fond of cocktails. Its in 304L stainless,
Its a fun game forging stainless this fine in a power hammer:D




I made a test Mohito, just to test the spoon you understand.:IMOK: And the spoon bit was handy for the sugar and the stirring, the more chunky thistle bit, made a good muddler. I shall await feedback from the expert.:detective:
This one was awesome, had a bit of a hard time with the first one but this one is awesome.

Would be nice to have in the bar, it tells it's own story and all that.
I really love it Will, and thanks for taking this on for me. I must note, however, that I am by no means an expert -- I just run with the cocktail crowd every now and then. I've already sent out the pics out for some feedback and will report back.

My pleasure, thanks Guys, David, certainly I'll add you to the list. I'll put a thread up with the finalized pricing when we have ironed out any details and changes. If there are a load to do...could send them to be electro-polished. although i'm not sure what there minimum order is so it might push the price up too much.
Any chance of a tasting spoon project? I am always eager to find someone willing to make one of those!
I would be glad to chaps:biggrin:
It will have to wait till after xmas, but some all forged tasting spoons would be fun.