KKF Massdrop II - Xerxes

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As a self-employed knifemaker he’s not covered by the mandatory health insurance. He has to buy his own, private health insurance. If he pays a cent or not depends on his insurance, co-pays, deductibles etc.

You're correct.

But the gist remains: while the injury may be severe the health care costs associated with this injury will not add a significant burden to him.
Any idea of a revised time frame?

To be clear, I'm not saying start work now. Just want to know when to expect to cut the check.
He should have started physical rehab or close to it.
It will take at least one more month for him to be able to start really small works again. So it will take him quite some time to be able to fully work and he still has some other projects. I would say expect at least 4 months for a generous estimation.
Since I guess quite some are wondering and there have been no answers I thought I will share the information I have. This is no official statement and let's call it hearsay. Hope he recovers well and fully.
Hi Guys,

after a long time I'll get back to you. Before I explain to you what has happened in the meantime, I would like to apologize for waiting so long for another message from me.

Shortly after I posted the video about my workshop here, I had a serious accident at work, as a result of which I had a long hospital stay and a complicated operation. After the operation, it was uncertain how things would go from here. According to the doctors, the chances were good that I would be fully able to work again. However, no one could tell me how long it would take to recover. For the first month after the operation, I was able to get out of bed for 1-3 hours a day. Unfortunately, at least at the beginning, there was no continuous improvement, instead I had to accept a few more setbacks and medical treatments. In the meantime, with extensive rehabilitation and daily physiotherapy, I have managed to be able to work on a small scale again. I can be upright most of the day and, depending on my form, I can do 2-4 hours of light physical work per day. At the moment there is a continuous improvement, but in my opinion it will be many months before I am fully operational again. And it remains doubtful whether a full-time job as a knifesmith will do me any good in the long run.
Of course, this is a difficult situation because my current workload is just enough to cover the company's fixed costs. But that's another topic.

Now we come to the mass drop. You can already guess it for sure. In my current situation, I don't feel able to do the massdrop. There are several reasons for this:

- Due to my limited ability to work, the production of the knives would take longer than average.

- For the production of the blanks it takes a few weeks of heavy forging work. I don't want to do that to my body in the current situation.

- My current state of health is anything but constant. Should I fail in the middle of production and be forced to repay down payments that have already been received, that would be a financial disaster for me.

I would like to apologize very much to you for not being able to carry out this great project with you and I hope for your understanding.

At this point, however, I would like to make one more thing clear: I was really looking forward to the project, and for a variety of reasons. The technical advancement, the possibility to make many knife lovers happy, the presentation in an English-speaking forum. It annoys me immensely that this is not possible now. For this reason I don't want to cancel the project entirely. Maybe in a few months or years I will be able to implement such an extensive project. And then nothing stands in the way of a new edition of the Massdrop from my side.

With this in mind, I wish you all good health and a great summer.
Please do get well soon! I think that is the most important thing at the moment.
Don't worry a thing about the massdrop.

For one, I vote that we keep this open ended. I think the offer is very appealing, and considering where we are, I am happy to wait it out until you are ready for such an endeavor. There is no real difference at least to me, if the knives comes in today, or years from today.
Please don't put any pressure on yourself.
🙏 get well as good as before and soon as possible! 🙏
@Xerxes, health first.

Recovery from a serious accident is hard enough in the best of conditions. No need to make that any more difficult by doing heavy labour. The world is also uncertain and anxious-making at this particular moment in time. Mitigating extra stress and financial risks is completely rational! KKF would prefer you are in good health and financially stable!

I hope that, given time, you make a full recovery! And I hope it is soon!
Thanks Jannis. Appreciate you taking the time to explain and entirely understand - recuperation and the longer term health/career implications are far more important than taking on another challenging project at this time.

Wishing you all the very best with your recovery - physio is no fun and the gradual/faltering/painful nature of progress can be endlessly frustrating - but it sounds like you‘re doing pretty well all things considering. Here’s hoping that things gradually become more straightforward and you find the right balance

Best wishes again. And rest assured that if you do ever want to pick this project up again there‘ll still be interest
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Take care Jannis, get well soon, as it's the only thing that really matters in the long run.
This looks like no gain left. Cancelling this massdrop to relieve Xerxes might be a good idea.

It is effectively cancelled AFAIC. I can’t speak for everyone ‘on the list’ obviously, but I think there’s expectation that the Massdrop will happen now*. If Jannis does make the full recovery we’re all hoping for, comes back raring to resume this project in the future, KKF will likely still be here and something can be worked out. Again, no expectations.

Best wishes again Jannis.

* Or at least, I’ve already been freeing up some of the Xerxes reserve knife budget for some time. In Jannis’ best interests, you understand
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Great to see a reply, but also sad to see that the accident results in such long-lasting effects. I wish you all the best in recovery, and fingers crossed that we get to follow the massdrop some time in the future.
At this point, however, I would like to make one more thing clear: I was really looking forward to the project, and for a variety of reasons. The technical advancement, the possibility to make many knife lovers happy, the presentation in an English-speaking forum. It annoys me immensely that this is not possible now. For this reason I don't want to cancel the project entirely.
This looks like no gain left. Cancelling this massdrop to relieve Xerxes might be a good idea.

As far as I understand from Jannis' post, his intention is against cancelling this massdrop. Let's leave to Xerces the decision if he wants to be relieved and how this may happen. Besides, let's also consider that the "fortuned" members of KKF have something to lose if the massdrop is cancelled.
Take care Jannis. Best wishes and hope you recover fully from your accident!
Since I never got to join you cool people who got picked… some who were picked for both… maybe just maybe I can hold out hope that when this finally happens I can possibly find a way into one of these. Like a fungus I will lurk in the shadows.

On a real note it’s just great to hear anything positive about jannis and whether he can make a knife or not I really just wish that guy the best going foward.
OMG so sorry to hear how serious the accident was. Wishing Jannis all the best for a speedy recovery.
I wish you all the best on a full recovery. In the end your health is the most important thing you have, so naturally that should always get first priority.