Lönsted: 187x45,125g. Asking $180 Swedish steel/monosteel that I can’t remember the name of. Handle is bog oak and reindeer antler. Used a bunch, never sharpened.
DP: 207 x 53, 215g. Asking $450
San mai with soft steel, can’t remember the core, but it does have some really cool banding in it. I’ve had a couple from Dan and this is by far the best cutter of the bunch. Also has a great profile and balance. Used a few times, never sharpened.
JB: 180x85, 401g. Asking $600
Dammy clad apex ultra. Handle is bog oak with birch bark spacers. There is an incredibly tiny space in the top of the handle that I don’t think will be a problem, but could easily be filled with super glue. The dammy is very subtle, tried to catch it in the video. Used once, monster cutter, just falls through everything.
I’ll cover shipping in the US, and the first $15 of international shipping. Thanks for looking!
DP: 207 x 53, 215g. Asking $450
San mai with soft steel, can’t remember the core, but it does have some really cool banding in it. I’ve had a couple from Dan and this is by far the best cutter of the bunch. Also has a great profile and balance. Used a few times, never sharpened.
JB: 180x85, 401g. Asking $600
Dammy clad apex ultra. Handle is bog oak with birch bark spacers. There is an incredibly tiny space in the top of the handle that I don’t think will be a problem, but could easily be filled with super glue. The dammy is very subtle, tried to catch it in the video. Used once, monster cutter, just falls through everything.
I’ll cover shipping in the US, and the first $15 of international shipping. Thanks for looking!