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I'm thinking some AMAZING knives will come out of this if we have Devin, WillC, Cris, Randy and Ian working on this. These knives will be some true unicorns for years to come!

While unfortunate so many people have had deposits from 2012 that are unfilled, I hope these amazing pieces will be some consolation.
I had a whole response typed up Ian, but I think it's safer for me to just say that I received your email...and have spoken to Devin on the phone. I will do whatever Devin asks to make this right by Pierre and his customers. I've been where he is to a smaller degree, and I know how hard it is to even face the situation, much less proactively deal with it when your entire life is crumbling around your ears.

Hopefully you will never have to experience it yourself...but if you do, you'll know that there are others willing to help you out of it. That's what brother craftsmen do.
@Ian, found the email, thank you.

Not sure if anyone else has one in Canada, but if it is of any help and there will be items shipping from Canada/Alberta I can provide my shipping account number for Canada Post, it saves about 5-6% on items sent to the USA which then transfer to USPS. There may be a postal strike/lockout here, so the offer may be all for not, but wanted to mention in case it can be of assistance.
I'm going to inject a word of caution here that doesn't require a response:
To all of the gallant makers that are willing to step up and work on this bailout project, if you have your own backlog of overdue work consider the effect this will have on your customers.
Remember the old expression, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch"
Not sure if anyone else has one in Canada, but if it is of any help and there will be items shipping from Canada/Alberta I can provide my shipping account number for Canada Post, it saves about 5-6% on items sent to the USA which then transfer to USPS. There may be a postal strike/lockout here, so the offer may be all for not, but wanted to mention in case it can be of assistance.

I have one too, my wife use it mostly, let me know if you guys need it.
Pierre can we can an update, I've reached out to you through email and private messages. Devin told me he was conversing with you to see what my order was.
Pretty cool stuff to see so many talented craftsmen coming together to help out another. Sometimes a helping hand or two can help pull you out of the quicksand.

Keep grinding (literally and figuratively). My boys are to young to trust with a plastic knife, let alone fish filet knifes from you, so I'm comfortable to play the long game.

If I ever make it up there, I so want a tour and food demo from that smoker you built. Amazing.
There are now several threads in this subform about this issue; makes it difficult to know what is current, what is expected, and what is going on. :)

I've e-mailed Pierre a reminder of the $850 I had sent him in deposit for my five different knives, and received no response. I've posted to the original thread where he asked people to do such. So I'm stuck with not knowing what is going on.

As an aside, I'd never give this much as a deposit again merely to hold my place in line. I see no reason why someone would not simply allow folks to put their name on a list, and then ask for a deposit once material was to be acquired. If said merchant was afraid that allowing anyone to put their name down would cause too much paperwork for them - as some will invariably cancel when their number comes up - charge a $25 non-refundable booking fee to cover your time managing the list.
Pierre we need updates, this is not acceptable.

I was told you never followed up with Devin about our orders. If you cannot get these in the works soon then just refund my money. It's been almost 2 months and I haven't seen any progress.

We have these makers willing to help you out but you need to communicate with them as well as with us.
I emailed Pierre again today requesting a refund rather than a knife. I don't believe he will follow through even with other makers helping him. If i don't receive the money within 30 days ill be contacting his local authorities and seeing if the anti trust law was broken etc.

I will be using the spreadsheet created on here, if anyone else doesn't receive their money as well please contact me for the departments contact number, if your interested in pursuing this as well.

Pierre i apologize, but this has gone on too long. Its time to pay people back what their owed.
I'm still here. Jordan, I have your email. I will get out what funds I can this week. I will cal Devin as well. I don't work in town, and have next to no service where I am working. I apologize.
I'm still here. Jordan, I have your email. I will get out what funds I can this week. I will cal Devin as well. I don't work in town, and have next to no service where I am working. I apologize.

Just curious if you got that check out to me yet.
I think you guys are amazing for doing this. This kinda situation happens all over the forums, where anything custom is made. It's always a prepaid/final product argument. Knowing the maker and prepaying, thus trusting them and covering their investment vs seeing the product product is never ending struggle. Some are way left or way right on it, most in the middle, and there is really no solution.

I just hope this will be solved and Pierre gets back on his feet.
I'm still waiting for my $850 refund, or knives. I'd like to think this will end well. For all parties.
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