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Feb 18, 2024
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I think I am going to give a tote and a sink bridge a try. Any thing to think about before going this route?

Thank you!
This is what I use and love:


Bought mine close to 10 years ago now so it looks a little bit different. You can get the stone holder without the little pond but I like it a lot.
MowgFace - I see the bridge you have is the larger of the two models sold on Japanese Knife Imports. Both are similar in price. Pros or cons of either size? I assume the larger one gives a bit more leeway on different size stones?

Is the base the stone holder comes with adequate or do you recommend getting the bridge and the larger tub right off the bat?

Thank you!
MowgFace - I see the bridge you have is the larger of the two models sold on Japanese Knife Imports. Both are similar in price. Pros or cons of either size? I assume the larger one gives a bit more leeway on different size stones?

Is the base the stone holder comes with adequate or do you recommend getting the bridge and the larger tub right off the bat?

Thank you!

I have the “Stone Bridge” that I linked above. This bridge is meant to be used on a tub like I pictured.

The “sink bridge” is meant to go over your sink.

At the time I bought the stone bridge the sink bridge was not offered, but i like my little tub set up. Wouldn’t change it now.

The base that the stone holder comes with isn’t used with the bridge. Just flat on the counter. Totally useful and a great starting point.

I don’t think the stone bridge is necessary, but definitely nice to have.
This one mentioned above is really nice. I wish I'd bought it years before I did. It's really sturdy and convenient.View attachment 304760

To support @captaincaed ‘s point. I for many years prior to upgrading had and still have the cheapy one (pictured below). Totally works but was annoying to have two tightening points. Seems nitpicky, but the single adjustment point makes all the difference. 10/10 would recommend (The one linked above.)
