The thread for wood addicts

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got mark to send this block to Devin for my 52100 sujihiki with mokume ferrell.

I am finally setting up to make a set for me. I am doing 240 gyuto, 330 suji(Thanks Butch!) and a 270 yanagi and am using this block for all 3. I am going to use african blackwood for the ferrules, but it is big enough to get all 3 handles from it i think
I am finally setting up to make a set for me. I am doing 240 gyuto, 330 suji(Thanks Butch!) and a 270 yanagi and am using this block for all 3. I am going to use african blackwood for the ferrules, but it is big enough to get all 3 handles from it i think

What is it?
Thats a cool piece Mike!! Its got curl and fire and burl and spalty and probably a few other things I forgot to mention.. NICE!!! :)
I went flipping threw the pages of this thread ( can't help it if i am not buying it i am looking at it lol). I would have to say out of the pics randy's willow burl is my fav. which pic would all of you choose as your fav?
You ARE going to have that stabilized, right? I mean, I'd :cry: if the spalting cracked on you. That piece is magical.

It has already been stabilized by K&G. I called it half rotten, half wrinkled maple burl.
Was one of the most unusual pieces I have cut.
It has already been stabilized by K&G. I called it half rotten, half wrinkled maple burl.
Was one of the most unusual pieces I have cut.

It is by far my favorite piece....I almost don't want to use it lol. But...At least this one will stay at home with me :) Thanks Mark, for such amazing wood!
Reminds me of this photo a long time ago. Fireworks. Lightning. Shooting star.


Honestly, it's pretty dang beautiful. I REALLY want to see the end product.
Here is another sweet piece from our local wood pusher.

Crappy cell phone pic....sorry
Mike, Thats a Golden Nugget! Is it really that light in color?
Yes! Actually it has a beautiful golden sheen...And it looks a mile deep :) Cant wait to cut into this little beauty :D
Here Is a piece of olive wood I just picked up.

I did some research on this wood after I bought it and I read that when olive wood is in contact with metal it can make the metal rust overnight.
Has anyone here worked with olive wood before? I have seen Murray Carter use it on knives before.

Feeling a little BLUE?!?!

Yesterday a customer requested some blue burl scales. Now hes got to try and pick one set for his knife. lol hehehe!! :) Tough choice!

BURL!!!! 004.jpg

BURL!!!! 007.jpg

BURL!!!! 008.jpg

BURL!!!! 011.jpg

BURL!!!! 025.jpg
These scales look great. A while ago I was looking at a few blue scales that Craig Stevens was offering, and I swear they looked like a church window by Chagall. Beautiful stuff.

I've not used olive in a knife making context but just to work with in other contexts. It's really great. Takes a great shine, soft enough to not give you much trouble. I think it's really beautiful. One thing I will say, it did hurt the lungs. Can't be sure it was just the olive, cause I was doing a few pieces at a time, but I'd take precautions anyway.
I've not used olive in a knife making context but just to work with in other contexts. It's really great. Takes a great shine, soft enough to not give you much trouble. I think it's really beautiful. One thing I will say, it did hurt the lungs. Can't be sure it was just the olive, cause I was doing a few pieces at a time, but I'd take precautions anyway.

Thanks for the tip! Precautions will be taken.

Also, out of all of those blue coloured scales the second from the left is my fav!
I have used Olive for a knife handle and so far, There has not been any issue with rusting.. etc. Its quite beautiful!! Hers a pic. of the knife..


HHH Knives 074.JPG

HHH Knives 052.JPG
These scales look great. A while ago I was looking at a few blue scales that Craig Stevens was offering, and I swear they looked like a church window by Chagall. Beautiful stuff.


I know exactly what you mean, Craig's woods are second to none! :) Its Craig's fault I am a BURL JUNKY!! lol Not really, but his woods and weekly auctions feed my addiction!!

Thanks Craig! :)
Feeling a little BLUE?!?!

Yesterday a customer requested some blue burl scales. Now hes got to try and pick one set for his knife. lol hehehe!! :) Tough choice!

#5 please...wait, #2, no I meant #3!! Argggg.
These scales look great. A while ago I was looking at a few blue scales that Craig Stevens was offering, and I swear they looked like a church window by Chagall. Beautiful stuff.


And cost just as much.
These scales look great. A while ago I was looking at a few blue scales that Craig Stevens was offering, and I swear they looked like a church window by Chagall. Beautiful stuff.


And cost just as much.

I believe all of my Craig blocks have been made into handles, are currently being made into handles, or have been designated for knives on the way. Guess it's time to restock!
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